Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Man's Ways, God's Work
Yesterday afternoon, some of the members of my church attended the classical examination of our associate pastor. A classical exam is an oral interview before the area denominational body of pastors and select elders. It's a big deal. At least for the guy who is in the hot seat. It's also a big deal for the members of the classical body. This exercise is the way this brandname of churches assures that the ministers of the Word it employs have adequate knowledge in the Word, that they are sincere in their calling to minister to God's people and the lost and that they are led by God's spirit. The body examined two men yesterday. A new associate in a church in De Motte and our Bryan. The other guy was first. His interview was LONG. He was so articulate it was a joy to hear him. I wondered. Could Bryan match the first guy's knowledge and understanding? The body accepted the first man with joy and gratitude and then broke for refreshments. After that, it was Bryan's turn. Those of our church that were present gathered around him in hands held in unison and asked for God to bless him with recall and the ability to let the Spirit of God reveal Himself through Bryan. One could tell Bryan was nervous. As he sat on the platform in his navy blue suit, his feet danced his knees this way and that. Our church members are so confident in this young man. He has shown us the real follower of Jesus that he is. The interview started slowly as most do. The examiner told a few jokes to set a relaxed mood. Bryan took off and never looked back. His heart for God and for people came crashing through what is a human requirement. If one could be proud of our pastor, we truly were. He proved to man what he didn't have to prove to God. God already knows Bryan's heart. Bryan has not gone to seminary but he has taken a course that was required to get this license. At the end of the interview, the chairman of the group who is himself an older pastor asked Bryan how this license would help him. Bryan wisely told the man that it wouldn't change his ministry much at all. The inquiring pastor asked then what the point was. Bryan told him that some of those to whom he ministers may feel he is more qualified now that he has taken this exam. The traditional preacher walked to Bryan sitting in his chair and said, "You are not second rate. You have the same authority that anyone else here has. Walk in that authority!" He went on to tell him that Bryan as God's servant now has a front row seat to see God at work. One of the preachers in the audience asked if he could speak. Permission granted. He told how much he wished that this examination was giving Bryan full participation as a minister of the gospel in our denomination. You see, Bryan is a family man who worked as a officer in the prisons of California. He had a big job and made a lot more money than he does now. He felt God's call to work full time as a minister of the gospel. His pastor affirmed his leadership gifts and encouraged him. Bryan left his life there and took the call to be our associate pastor. He has been with us two years. We feel wrapped in Jesus' love by his ministry. I pray Bryan will be able to continue his seminary education part time so that his credentials will be complete. He is truly a man of God who exudes the love of Christ. The audience errupted with applause when it was announced that Bryan had passed the exam with flying colors. I praise God for two young men who will walk into the minefield of today's ministry. God bless both of them with His power and strength.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
He's Always Ahead of Me PTL
It's a beautiful fall morning with leaves golden brown hanging on the austere oak tree in my back yard. I've told you about that tree before. It is one of a kind. Now through the window still blurry from the Saran wrap paint application (they haven't been back, too busy with the big jobs that make the dear man money. He is a jewel, that son of ours) I see a mass of gold shining brilliantly.
I had a God moment yesterday that I wish to remember. I had to go to the cardiologist who put in my defibrillator a year ago. When I was sitting with my friend in the waiting room, a gal from my Wednesday morning Bible study bobbed through the room with her big welcoming smile. She was working at that office yesterday to cover for someone's vacation day. Normally she is on the floor at the hospital but this day, God had her at Doctor Brigham's office. Somehow she pulled some strings and was able to be the one to take me into the back and take my vitals, etc. She chatted a mile a minute so that my mind was stayed on her warmth and love. When I suggested I needed a new regular cardiologist because I don't feel comfortable with the one I have, she asked, "So what's wrong with Dr. Brigham?" I said, "Nothing, I like him but I thought he just did pace makers and defibs." No, I could easily transfer my records to this very office and not have to meet another doctor or get to know another office. Doc Brigham is young and tall. He has a very warm mannerism which is almost a requirement for this chicken. I like the fact that he is young for a couple reasons. One, he will outlive me. Two, his education is up with the times. Three, he is aware that not all things done in the name of medicine have good long term effects. I am so pleased. I feel like God had all that orchestrated for me yesterday. Actually, I know he did. I'm so thankful He is way ahead of me in life. I need not fear or worry just as He tells me in His Word. It has taken a long time to learn that lesson. Oh the joy of just resting in Him.
Lauri just called. What'cha doin Mom? Actually, I'm working on The Book but I'm planning to come over soon. Okay, let's go to Kohl's. So onward we go. We need a day that is calm and carefree. Our days together in the last couple weeks have been frot with details. Have we remembered this and that? Today, we can relax and truly enjoy the day and our outing and each other. I have to be back for a meeting at a church in town at 2:30. Must go so that we can have all the time we need to poke around and look for bargains.
I had a God moment yesterday that I wish to remember. I had to go to the cardiologist who put in my defibrillator a year ago. When I was sitting with my friend in the waiting room, a gal from my Wednesday morning Bible study bobbed through the room with her big welcoming smile. She was working at that office yesterday to cover for someone's vacation day. Normally she is on the floor at the hospital but this day, God had her at Doctor Brigham's office. Somehow she pulled some strings and was able to be the one to take me into the back and take my vitals, etc. She chatted a mile a minute so that my mind was stayed on her warmth and love. When I suggested I needed a new regular cardiologist because I don't feel comfortable with the one I have, she asked, "So what's wrong with Dr. Brigham?" I said, "Nothing, I like him but I thought he just did pace makers and defibs." No, I could easily transfer my records to this very office and not have to meet another doctor or get to know another office. Doc Brigham is young and tall. He has a very warm mannerism which is almost a requirement for this chicken. I like the fact that he is young for a couple reasons. One, he will outlive me. Two, his education is up with the times. Three, he is aware that not all things done in the name of medicine have good long term effects. I am so pleased. I feel like God had all that orchestrated for me yesterday. Actually, I know he did. I'm so thankful He is way ahead of me in life. I need not fear or worry just as He tells me in His Word. It has taken a long time to learn that lesson. Oh the joy of just resting in Him.
Lauri just called. What'cha doin Mom? Actually, I'm working on The Book but I'm planning to come over soon. Okay, let's go to Kohl's. So onward we go. We need a day that is calm and carefree. Our days together in the last couple weeks have been frot with details. Have we remembered this and that? Today, we can relax and truly enjoy the day and our outing and each other. I have to be back for a meeting at a church in town at 2:30. Must go so that we can have all the time we need to poke around and look for bargains.
Monday, October 29, 2007
A Full Weekend
The last big event is history. Saturday we enjoyed both a baby shower for Kendra and a wonderful coming together of my siblings and their children and children's children. It was a great time at both events. The shower was attended forty seven people. That was the largest shower I have hostessed. Kendra had been concerned early in the game that noone would come for her shower. I had to chuckle about that because if any one of our children is confident, it is she, yet, even the most confident among us has moments of insecurity. Our family members and friends came through with more love and honor than any of us deserve. We all were humbled by the attendance and the wonderful gifts Kendra and Craig received. Craig's father drove ten hours to be with us. It was special for us to have him there. There were a few tears shed when our remembrances went to Craig's mother but it was obvious to me that he was happy to be with us. He admitted that living on the Missouri/Arkansas border where they built their retirement home has now left him "isolated". He likes to be alone and enjoys less people around but now that his partner is gone, he is feeling more aloneness than is good for him. I hope that he makes a move to be closer to Kendra and Craig. Time will tell.
My family members came in droves on Saturday to attend the family reunion. The men were supposed to bring the kids to the dairy on Saturday while we were at the shower but somehow they got involved in watching football games. When the women returned home from the shower, they found some very unhappy children. Soon most of the women had their noses out of joint. Our good plan to entertain the kids was not fulfilled. It wasn't long and most were in their vehicles headed for the dairy. My only regret is that we got there too late for the kids to have the time it takes to really enjoy the dairy. We did get in all the elements but it was a rush job which did not help my state of calm.
After the dairy, we went to my brother and sister in law where supper was served. After dark, the fire got started and soon we were all on wagons behind my brother's big John Deere going over the roads and through fields and woods. The moon was a bright orange when we headed out the lane and onto the road. My husband drove behind us with the car flashers blinking to protect this load of treasure. Once off the road we enjoyed aromas of farming. As we went over certain weeds, a particularly fresh fragrance filled the air. There was much laughter and good fun. Noone fell off and no big injuries occured. I even saw some big boys hugging their moms or their aunts. It was a precious time.
One of my nieces, who is the mom of three children, said to me, "Auntie, my kids will remember this day for the rest of their lives." She is right. It was a highlight for everyone and when second generation cousins can play with and learn each other's names, it is a good thing.
I added a couple of pictures of the golden sunset last week. I'm not sure about where you live but in this area it was the talk of the town. Literally. Everyone was asking another, "Did you see the sunset last night?" It was particularly beautiful. I didn't think I had captured much when I took the pictures but now as I look at them, I can hardly believe the colors are true but digital pictures don't lie. It was truly a beautiful painting that God gave us for a few brief moments early last week. Enjoy the memory.
My family members came in droves on Saturday to attend the family reunion. The men were supposed to bring the kids to the dairy on Saturday while we were at the shower but somehow they got involved in watching football games. When the women returned home from the shower, they found some very unhappy children. Soon most of the women had their noses out of joint. Our good plan to entertain the kids was not fulfilled. It wasn't long and most were in their vehicles headed for the dairy. My only regret is that we got there too late for the kids to have the time it takes to really enjoy the dairy. We did get in all the elements but it was a rush job which did not help my state of calm.
After the dairy, we went to my brother and sister in law where supper was served. After dark, the fire got started and soon we were all on wagons behind my brother's big John Deere going over the roads and through fields and woods. The moon was a bright orange when we headed out the lane and onto the road. My husband drove behind us with the car flashers blinking to protect this load of treasure. Once off the road we enjoyed aromas of farming. As we went over certain weeds, a particularly fresh fragrance filled the air. There was much laughter and good fun. Noone fell off and no big injuries occured. I even saw some big boys hugging their moms or their aunts. It was a precious time.
One of my nieces, who is the mom of three children, said to me, "Auntie, my kids will remember this day for the rest of their lives." She is right. It was a highlight for everyone and when second generation cousins can play with and learn each other's names, it is a good thing.
I added a couple of pictures of the golden sunset last week. I'm not sure about where you live but in this area it was the talk of the town. Literally. Everyone was asking another, "Did you see the sunset last night?" It was particularly beautiful. I didn't think I had captured much when I took the pictures but now as I look at them, I can hardly believe the colors are true but digital pictures don't lie. It was truly a beautiful painting that God gave us for a few brief moments early last week. Enjoy the memory.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Day Of
Today is the last event planned. I can't imagine what I'll do with my time after this weekend but I'm sure I'll find something. Lauri and I had a meltdown for awhile yesterday. A shower is a lot of work for only two people. We enlisted the help of our always reliable, always dependable friend, Bernice. She met us at the Fairchild House and helped us set up. Ken carried innumerable loads of stuff from the cars to the house in the rain. Fourteen year old grandaughter, Alex, came also. We turned an empty old grand house into a charming shower environment. It was fun.
I think I have mentioned before that the Fairchild House is the only old brick home in De Motte. For years I dreamed of owning that home. When we walked into the place last evening, Ken said, "We should have bought this years ago." I echo those sentiments but it is far better for all of the town's people to enjoy it's one old treasure and I'm willing to share. I will say, however, that I could move into that house tomorrow and feel as at home as I have felt all my life. I love the charm. So for a day, the Fairchild House is mine. I will soak it in.
Gradually, the guests will come today. I know that some families are already in town. Remember that we have a family reunion today after the shower. I know, we are just a little nuts. It will be a special day. To anticipate the birth of a child is a wonderful joy. To gather as family members and thank God for our blessings is also a joy. This day will be double and triple joy. There is so much anticipation in my heart. Most of it calm and some of it anxiousness. Once the day is on the way I'll settle down and realize once again that God is in control of all the details and loves to give us the desire of our hearts.
My friend, Joyce, has offered to meet us at the HOUSE at nine to put finishing touches on the preparations. Ken has to run for a couple more grocery items. We forgot ice and lemons. We will get it together. I am so grateful for a good night sleep. I ached so badly last night after we finished setting up. I thought I would not sleep a wink. I took a hot bath and three Ibuprofin and went to bed. I slept like a baby until three this morning. Then my mind started going and I couldn't get back to sleep but I had already seven hours under my belt and that will do me for today.
I think I have mentioned before that the Fairchild House is the only old brick home in De Motte. For years I dreamed of owning that home. When we walked into the place last evening, Ken said, "We should have bought this years ago." I echo those sentiments but it is far better for all of the town's people to enjoy it's one old treasure and I'm willing to share. I will say, however, that I could move into that house tomorrow and feel as at home as I have felt all my life. I love the charm. So for a day, the Fairchild House is mine. I will soak it in.
Gradually, the guests will come today. I know that some families are already in town. Remember that we have a family reunion today after the shower. I know, we are just a little nuts. It will be a special day. To anticipate the birth of a child is a wonderful joy. To gather as family members and thank God for our blessings is also a joy. This day will be double and triple joy. There is so much anticipation in my heart. Most of it calm and some of it anxiousness. Once the day is on the way I'll settle down and realize once again that God is in control of all the details and loves to give us the desire of our hearts.
My friend, Joyce, has offered to meet us at the HOUSE at nine to put finishing touches on the preparations. Ken has to run for a couple more grocery items. We forgot ice and lemons. We will get it together. I am so grateful for a good night sleep. I ached so badly last night after we finished setting up. I thought I would not sleep a wink. I took a hot bath and three Ibuprofin and went to bed. I slept like a baby until three this morning. Then my mind started going and I couldn't get back to sleep but I had already seven hours under my belt and that will do me for today.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This and That Again
Have just returned from a Beth Moore Bible study. It was so encouraging. Our God is who He says He is and does what He says He does. My faith was built this morning.
I think that this afternoon I will prepare myself a bit for the baby shower which will be Saturday morning. I have tons of stuff that will need to be brought to the Fairchild House so it is time to get it together. It will feel good to get organized about that.
The house is quiet except for the slippered feet of my husband. He actually went to town this morning. That is a big change for him. I'm beginning to believe he will return to normal activities some time soon. That will be a thank the Lord day.
The sun is bright but the temperature is crisp. The thermometer in my car read 54 degrees. That is cold. I'm not ever ready for the temperatures to drop below 65. Kind of like the speed limit, you know, there should be a law that the temperature had to stay about 65 or 70. That would be nice. A bit of a silly thought but oh so true. I had a terrible night with aches and pains last night. I asked my step mother this morning if my pain was similar to her arthritis pain. She listened to my description shaking her head in affirmation until I completed my complaints. I shouldn't have arthritis. I'm not old enough for that. But my night would indicate otherwise. I was miserable. Once I was up I felt fine. I know I have eaten terribly of late; all things I shouldn't put into my body. Lots of sweets and lots of carbs. I need a new diet. Hopefully, I can be disciplined enough to make the change. I feel quite certain that my pain would be gone if I could accomplish the task that is so anti social. God help me.
Pray for the people in California that have endured loss from the raging fires. Pray that God would uproot Islamic inroads in our nation. In the powerful name of Jesus.
I think that this afternoon I will prepare myself a bit for the baby shower which will be Saturday morning. I have tons of stuff that will need to be brought to the Fairchild House so it is time to get it together. It will feel good to get organized about that.
The house is quiet except for the slippered feet of my husband. He actually went to town this morning. That is a big change for him. I'm beginning to believe he will return to normal activities some time soon. That will be a thank the Lord day.
The sun is bright but the temperature is crisp. The thermometer in my car read 54 degrees. That is cold. I'm not ever ready for the temperatures to drop below 65. Kind of like the speed limit, you know, there should be a law that the temperature had to stay about 65 or 70. That would be nice. A bit of a silly thought but oh so true. I had a terrible night with aches and pains last night. I asked my step mother this morning if my pain was similar to her arthritis pain. She listened to my description shaking her head in affirmation until I completed my complaints. I shouldn't have arthritis. I'm not old enough for that. But my night would indicate otherwise. I was miserable. Once I was up I felt fine. I know I have eaten terribly of late; all things I shouldn't put into my body. Lots of sweets and lots of carbs. I need a new diet. Hopefully, I can be disciplined enough to make the change. I feel quite certain that my pain would be gone if I could accomplish the task that is so anti social. God help me.
Pray for the people in California that have endured loss from the raging fires. Pray that God would uproot Islamic inroads in our nation. In the powerful name of Jesus.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Break In Between
My sister has been brought to the airport and I'm back home and resting. As I traveled home I couldn't wait to sit in my recliner and have a good quiet rest. When I opened the front door to my home the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. "What happened?" I screamed. Ken said, "It was my fault. I put three eggs on to boil and forgot them." I wasn't a happy camper. Actually I was fit to be tied. I had looked forward to coming home to my castle and found it to be less than desireable. I wanted to shoot him. Not literally of course, but he did suffer my wrath. Someone called on the phone and asked for me. He told the caller that I wasn't happy with him. She said she would call back later because she didn't want to interrupt. "Oh, interupt, please interupt." he told her. When I got on the phone and she described her conversation with him, we had a little laugh together. The levity helped my ugly mood. It also helped my mood to go to the store and get some Oust odor eliminator. I sprayed with vengence and it seems to have helped. We MUST stop having these burned smell episodes. I hate it! My sniffer is so sensitive and that doesn't help dealing with these incinerator smells. UGH!
Well, I am now bracing for the next weekend. It is sure to leave me totally exhausted but thoroughly happy. Kendra's baby shower will be Saturday at eleven and then the afternoon with my side of the family, nieces, nephews, spouses and grand nieces and nephews with a Dairy Adventure experience. The evening will be at my brother's house. His home is built on one of my dad's farms out in the country. A perfect setting for a fall celebration. I just talked with him on the phone to explain some arrangements I had made with some family members. He told me he is planning a hay ride along with our bonfire. I confessed that I feel guilty for having dumped part of this event off on him. He assured me that he was fine with it, in fact his very words were, "I'm tickled". That put me at ease. I won't feel guilty any longer. He is my baby brother and as the eldest child in the family I always feel the family events are mine to deal with. It's a big help that he and his wife are taking over this part of the "family reunion". When our conversation went on a bit too long for him, he said, "Well, I have to get back to work, I'm cleaning the shed and have the basement all cleaned. I laughed and said, "Company is a big motivator, isn't it?" He agreed.
I spoke to one of my Wisconsin nieces this afternoon. She said she thinks it has been about seven years since all of their family came down to De Motte for a family gathering. The family has gotten so big it is nigh unto impossible to have the occasion in a home so as a result we haven't done much about it until now. She told me that her children and her sister's children are excited as ever. I know we will have a wonderful time on Saturday and Sunday. I am praying for good clear weather. The kids can always wear coats and hats but rain would definitely be throwing cold water on our parade.
Ken has been home now a full two weeks and one day. I complained about having to care for him to my sister and then let out a laugh and said, "I should be ashamed of myself, you take care of Jack every day of your life". She smiled and realized I was right. She shouldn't have to listen to me complaining about fifteen days. I think it was good for her to be free for a few days. I know she doesn't leave without feeling a concern that her husband will be well cared for but it was good that she could sleep a night through without having to get up three to four times a night to care for his needs. As I said before, a more faithful wife would be hard to find.
My husband is calling me........I must go. :)
Well, I am now bracing for the next weekend. It is sure to leave me totally exhausted but thoroughly happy. Kendra's baby shower will be Saturday at eleven and then the afternoon with my side of the family, nieces, nephews, spouses and grand nieces and nephews with a Dairy Adventure experience. The evening will be at my brother's house. His home is built on one of my dad's farms out in the country. A perfect setting for a fall celebration. I just talked with him on the phone to explain some arrangements I had made with some family members. He told me he is planning a hay ride along with our bonfire. I confessed that I feel guilty for having dumped part of this event off on him. He assured me that he was fine with it, in fact his very words were, "I'm tickled". That put me at ease. I won't feel guilty any longer. He is my baby brother and as the eldest child in the family I always feel the family events are mine to deal with. It's a big help that he and his wife are taking over this part of the "family reunion". When our conversation went on a bit too long for him, he said, "Well, I have to get back to work, I'm cleaning the shed and have the basement all cleaned. I laughed and said, "Company is a big motivator, isn't it?" He agreed.
I spoke to one of my Wisconsin nieces this afternoon. She said she thinks it has been about seven years since all of their family came down to De Motte for a family gathering. The family has gotten so big it is nigh unto impossible to have the occasion in a home so as a result we haven't done much about it until now. She told me that her children and her sister's children are excited as ever. I know we will have a wonderful time on Saturday and Sunday. I am praying for good clear weather. The kids can always wear coats and hats but rain would definitely be throwing cold water on our parade.
Ken has been home now a full two weeks and one day. I complained about having to care for him to my sister and then let out a laugh and said, "I should be ashamed of myself, you take care of Jack every day of your life". She smiled and realized I was right. She shouldn't have to listen to me complaining about fifteen days. I think it was good for her to be free for a few days. I know she doesn't leave without feeling a concern that her husband will be well cared for but it was good that she could sleep a night through without having to get up three to four times a night to care for his needs. As I said before, a more faithful wife would be hard to find.
My husband is calling me........I must go. :)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Successful Unity
Never a dull moment is the phrase that comes to mind this morning. The past weekend was full to the brim. The reunion was FINE. People were happy to have been invited and offered much appreciation for the effort. Even brothers and sisters were delighted to see each other. I had asked by invitation that each couple bring a salad or dessert. We had so much wonderful food. Ken grilled pork chops which are always a hit for any guests we have. He has a certain way of seasoning and then grilling them that people enjoy. I don't eat pork so I have to trust the comments of others. He had several cousins wanting to know where we bought them and how he did them. He doesn't like to give his secrets away but my sister pressed him yesterday and he gave it all up to her. She told him she lives over a thousand miles away and wouldn't be serving the same guests as he does.
I had decided that I fretted over this reunion so long and so hard (all unnecessarily of course) that it would be the one and only I had. I was surprised when one of my cousins said, "This is so nice we need to do it again. I'll have it next year on the same weekend." Then she turned to me and said, "You give me the addresses and I'll get those invitations out early to those that couldn't make it this year."
The picture of my dad with the lit candle is a bit naughty. One of the cousins from the side of the family from which no one came told me she was sorry none of her sibs were going to come and that we should light a candle for them. When everyone was dispersing my dad said, "Hey we haven't lit a candle for Cheryl yet. Go and get a candle." So I ran into the house and got a candle and we lit it for the absent arm of the family. He is a bit of a stinker.
Yesterday was our daughter, Scarlen's birthday. Scarlen and her son Isaiah are those that live in our home. So before church yesterday morning I baked a chocolate cake with pink frosting. I didn't have any red food coloring to make the frosting pink so I added some marshino cherry juice. Worked like a charm and gave the frosting a cherry flavor. Scarlen loved her cake so it made the effort worth it. Lauri and Elton and their kids came to celebrate with us. They stayed to watch the football game. In between plays, Elton helped me organize my pictures on this computer. He showed me amazing things this machine can do. I feel so clean and together this morning as I peck away at the screen.
My sister went to church with me but then asked if she could spend the rest of the day with our dad and Mary. I went to get her last evening and together we went to our niece, Stacy's, house so that Jann could meet the newest family member. Gabrielle is three weeks old now. We enjoyed a short visit with the Dieners.
All this brings me to this morning. I got Isaiah up and he is getting ready for school. Everyone else is still on their ear and it's okay with me if they stay there awhile. I could use the quiet and solitude this morning. I've got another big week ahead of me and need to get my "poop in a group" as my daughter says.
I had decided that I fretted over this reunion so long and so hard (all unnecessarily of course) that it would be the one and only I had. I was surprised when one of my cousins said, "This is so nice we need to do it again. I'll have it next year on the same weekend." Then she turned to me and said, "You give me the addresses and I'll get those invitations out early to those that couldn't make it this year."
The picture of my dad with the lit candle is a bit naughty. One of the cousins from the side of the family from which no one came told me she was sorry none of her sibs were going to come and that we should light a candle for them. When everyone was dispersing my dad said, "Hey we haven't lit a candle for Cheryl yet. Go and get a candle." So I ran into the house and got a candle and we lit it for the absent arm of the family. He is a bit of a stinker.
Yesterday was our daughter, Scarlen's birthday. Scarlen and her son Isaiah are those that live in our home. So before church yesterday morning I baked a chocolate cake with pink frosting. I didn't have any red food coloring to make the frosting pink so I added some marshino cherry juice. Worked like a charm and gave the frosting a cherry flavor. Scarlen loved her cake so it made the effort worth it. Lauri and Elton and their kids came to celebrate with us. They stayed to watch the football game. In between plays, Elton helped me organize my pictures on this computer. He showed me amazing things this machine can do. I feel so clean and together this morning as I peck away at the screen.
My sister went to church with me but then asked if she could spend the rest of the day with our dad and Mary. I went to get her last evening and together we went to our niece, Stacy's, house so that Jann could meet the newest family member. Gabrielle is three weeks old now. We enjoyed a short visit with the Dieners.
All this brings me to this morning. I got Isaiah up and he is getting ready for school. Everyone else is still on their ear and it's okay with me if they stay there awhile. I could use the quiet and solitude this morning. I've got another big week ahead of me and need to get my "poop in a group" as my daughter says.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Reunion Day
Gotta be a quick one today. In the throughs of getting ready for the reunion. Here's hoping. Makes me a wreck. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I was so pumped from driving back and forth to the airport when I am normally lying horizontal on my bed just vegging. We got home around 11 or 11:30, then talked awhile. That throws me off entirely and I try my best not to let it but it does. I got to bed, tried to relax, could feel my body still going. Said in a whisper, "I'm going to the recliner." "Okay" he says. If I don't tell him, he comes looking for me. Weird about stuff like that when one has been married for forever.
So to the recliner and massager I go. Still could not relax. Down the stairs to the family room sofa where there isn't anyone for at least fifteen feet. I did sleep a couple hours but my mind never did relax. I dreamed the weirdest stuff and just couldn't snap myself out of it. So this morning I am sluggish and so very weary. I will be so glad when this is a done deal. My sister tells me I will yet get my reward but I'm not feeling it right now. I gave her the keys to Ken's car and told her to get out of her and visit people and leave me to my own misery. We had a good laugh, she took a shower and off she went.
At the airport last night I waited only about a half hour. During that time I witnessed so fashion no nos. At least to me they are. A pin stripe suit with a tie and tennis shoes. Can't handle that one. Santa Claus in a business suit and tie; I suspect he is getting ready to moonlight. Hefty gals wearing clothes that show every wrinkle. Ugh. A nicely dressed man in suit and tie and dress shoes with grey curly hair down past his shoulder blades. Nothing 'wrong" with it, just not my preference. At least I found entertainment in people watching. I do love the reunions one sees. They are often tender.
I took Isaiah to soccer this morning about 7:30. I my way home I am going west and the sun was shining brightly on the red, yellows and browns in the tree lines. It was gorgeous. I stopped and took pictures. I'll try to get them on here today but don't know if time will allow. If not today, tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day.
So to the recliner and massager I go. Still could not relax. Down the stairs to the family room sofa where there isn't anyone for at least fifteen feet. I did sleep a couple hours but my mind never did relax. I dreamed the weirdest stuff and just couldn't snap myself out of it. So this morning I am sluggish and so very weary. I will be so glad when this is a done deal. My sister tells me I will yet get my reward but I'm not feeling it right now. I gave her the keys to Ken's car and told her to get out of her and visit people and leave me to my own misery. We had a good laugh, she took a shower and off she went.
At the airport last night I waited only about a half hour. During that time I witnessed so fashion no nos. At least to me they are. A pin stripe suit with a tie and tennis shoes. Can't handle that one. Santa Claus in a business suit and tie; I suspect he is getting ready to moonlight. Hefty gals wearing clothes that show every wrinkle. Ugh. A nicely dressed man in suit and tie and dress shoes with grey curly hair down past his shoulder blades. Nothing 'wrong" with it, just not my preference. At least I found entertainment in people watching. I do love the reunions one sees. They are often tender.
I took Isaiah to soccer this morning about 7:30. I my way home I am going west and the sun was shining brightly on the red, yellows and browns in the tree lines. It was gorgeous. I stopped and took pictures. I'll try to get them on here today but don't know if time will allow. If not today, tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Mostly Nothing
As I sit down to blog this morning, there is nothing significant on my mind. I don't like those kinds of mornings. I think my mind is busy with the details of our family reunion which is tomorrow. Did I dust this, did I vacuum that? When should I make the potato salad? How many pork chops should I buy? The decisions I face over this go on and on. Funny, isn't it? Once the "cousins" are here I won't think of all that because the decisions will have been made and the food prepared. Besides I will have my sister's morale support. With Ken under the weather I have had to do what we normally would share. I even mowed the lawn yesterday. Mowing was my job many years ago when one had to push. But when DaddyO got his rider, he suddenly like playing with his toy so the job fell to him. I hadn't driven a rider mower for a very long time (who's the farm girl here?) and asked Ken to show me how to start it and how to engage the blade and so on. I got a blow by blow description and then took off. First thing I did was get too close to the bricks around a flower bed and picked up one of those bricks. The clatter was deafening. Worse than that, he was watching me. He took it pretty well and told me I couldn't get that close. Hmmm, is that why I think everything should be trimmed after he mows? I always laugh at him when he acts like mowing the yard is such a big deal. It's one of those hahas couples have with each other. I did notice my back noticed I bounced around for an hour and a half yesterday. Sorry, Ken.
This morning I must make hay while the sun is shining. (Ooops it is a very cloudy day but you know what I mean). Ken has his follow up after surgery appointment today at 11:45 in Merrillville (my favorite place). Hopefully, Ken will feel well enough to let me do some last minute shopping. It isn't that he doesn't "feel good", but he just can't sit very long and finds his bed the best place to lay for comfort. I hope the doctor gives him good news on the healing process so that he will be encouraged a bit. The surgery area itself doesn't seem to bother him as much as a place where a cyst was removed. That is also in the area he uses for sitting so this has been a tough 11 days. He has not been out of the house except to watch Josh paint the house.
This evening I will go to Midway to get my sister who is coming in from Florida for the reunion. Bless her heart. Her husband needs 24/7 care so she had to make arrangements for every moment she is gone. I feel for her and I'm happy she is getting a few days of respite. Jann never complains. Things are always "getting better". Whenever the rest of the family asks one another about Jack and Jann, someone always smiles and says, "it's getting better". I know Jann is influenced by Robert Shuyler's positive thinking gospel. There is a lot of value in that. What if she would complain and feel sorry for herself? Her life would be miserable. As it is, she enjoys life and is always looking for the good in it.
It will be late when we get home tonight. I've so enjoyed the warm evenings we have had lately and wish tonight would be another of those but I have my doubts. Last evening Ken was hot on the computer watching just where the storm line was and when it was hitting here or there. Our son John called and said they announced on their news station that Bass Lake (about forty miles from here) had received inch and a half hail. I'm grateful we didn't get hail for many reasons, but a personal reason would be that our garage is full of painted shutters and so our car is outside. Inch and a half hail would make a mess of any car. While I was talking with John's family members, the city warning alarm went off there and they were all headed to the basement. I'm sure glad my son has a basement to protect his family. There are five grandkids there. Each one of them had to talk to Grandma last night, even the sixteen year old. It was a sweet time of sharing. They are coming a week from tomorrow for the baby shower and Recker reunion so each of them was filled with expectation about coming to Grandpa's and Grandma's house. The little one was just giddy. There is something thrilling about that, isn't there? Family. Brings tears to my eyes. Think how God is thrilled when we look forward to going to His house to have a family reunion with His family there.
This morning I must make hay while the sun is shining. (Ooops it is a very cloudy day but you know what I mean). Ken has his follow up after surgery appointment today at 11:45 in Merrillville (my favorite place). Hopefully, Ken will feel well enough to let me do some last minute shopping. It isn't that he doesn't "feel good", but he just can't sit very long and finds his bed the best place to lay for comfort. I hope the doctor gives him good news on the healing process so that he will be encouraged a bit. The surgery area itself doesn't seem to bother him as much as a place where a cyst was removed. That is also in the area he uses for sitting so this has been a tough 11 days. He has not been out of the house except to watch Josh paint the house.
This evening I will go to Midway to get my sister who is coming in from Florida for the reunion. Bless her heart. Her husband needs 24/7 care so she had to make arrangements for every moment she is gone. I feel for her and I'm happy she is getting a few days of respite. Jann never complains. Things are always "getting better". Whenever the rest of the family asks one another about Jack and Jann, someone always smiles and says, "it's getting better". I know Jann is influenced by Robert Shuyler's positive thinking gospel. There is a lot of value in that. What if she would complain and feel sorry for herself? Her life would be miserable. As it is, she enjoys life and is always looking for the good in it.
It will be late when we get home tonight. I've so enjoyed the warm evenings we have had lately and wish tonight would be another of those but I have my doubts. Last evening Ken was hot on the computer watching just where the storm line was and when it was hitting here or there. Our son John called and said they announced on their news station that Bass Lake (about forty miles from here) had received inch and a half hail. I'm grateful we didn't get hail for many reasons, but a personal reason would be that our garage is full of painted shutters and so our car is outside. Inch and a half hail would make a mess of any car. While I was talking with John's family members, the city warning alarm went off there and they were all headed to the basement. I'm sure glad my son has a basement to protect his family. There are five grandkids there. Each one of them had to talk to Grandma last night, even the sixteen year old. It was a sweet time of sharing. They are coming a week from tomorrow for the baby shower and Recker reunion so each of them was filled with expectation about coming to Grandpa's and Grandma's house. The little one was just giddy. There is something thrilling about that, isn't there? Family. Brings tears to my eyes. Think how God is thrilled when we look forward to going to His house to have a family reunion with His family there.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Painting Day
Mind you, we didn't know it was going to be painting day. We knew that when it happened it would be on the spur of the moment and the moment came yesterday morning when Josh called and said, "I think I'm coming with some guys today. I hope I can fit it in between the rain." (Speaking of rain, it is pouring right now. I hope the paint is still on after the earth wash is over). It is a two hour ride here from Indianapolis. They arrived around one oclock. Painting a house used to be a week long effort or more. With the right equipment it is faster than a speeding bullet. I had gone to town to the drug store for Ken and when I returned, they had arrived and the east side of our house was already chocolate. When color was discussed, I said, "Josh, this is your business. You know what's hot and what's not. You decide on the color." So, it is chocolate with sour cream trim and cherry red accent. I'll try to put a job complete picture up in a few days when he returns to finish. It is mostly finished but they could have used another couple of hours.
The activity got Ken out of the house and into something beside his aches and pains. His surgery was ten days ago and he still has a fair amount of discomfort. So the presence of a son he loves who was doing what he used to do, brought him outside and even into some work now and then. He got a lot of joy watching them work with tools he would have only dreamed of using some ten years ago when he was still painting. Ken also liked the color and said over and over that it is a good color. I'm happy when everyone else is happy.
Tools. Every job is about tools, isn't it. It struck me that with the right tools, this painting job was a cinch. I think it is probably true about other labor intensive projects as well. Have you ever tried to take a screw out with a table knife because there wasn't a phillips screw driver around? Yep, I've done that. It makes the job so much bigger and much more frustrating. By the time I give up, I've bent the lines in the screw all up and made a mess of things. But when my husband comes from the garage with the right sized phillips, he has the screw out in a flash.
Yesterday, I was at Bible study. The subject was about what God can do. The point was that God can do what He says He can do. Our job is to have the right tool in our relationship with Him. It is the tool of faith. Without faith, life is difficult and so frustrating. With the right tool of faith, it is turning the burden of it all over to the only One that has the right tools to carry it. Trying to carry it myself is like trying to get that screw out with a table knife. Next to impossible. God is who He says He is.....He can do what He says He can do.....I am who God says I am........I can do all things through Christ.......God's Word is alive and active in me. Hallelujah.
The activity got Ken out of the house and into something beside his aches and pains. His surgery was ten days ago and he still has a fair amount of discomfort. So the presence of a son he loves who was doing what he used to do, brought him outside and even into some work now and then. He got a lot of joy watching them work with tools he would have only dreamed of using some ten years ago when he was still painting. Ken also liked the color and said over and over that it is a good color. I'm happy when everyone else is happy.
Tools. Every job is about tools, isn't it. It struck me that with the right tools, this painting job was a cinch. I think it is probably true about other labor intensive projects as well. Have you ever tried to take a screw out with a table knife because there wasn't a phillips screw driver around? Yep, I've done that. It makes the job so much bigger and much more frustrating. By the time I give up, I've bent the lines in the screw all up and made a mess of things. But when my husband comes from the garage with the right sized phillips, he has the screw out in a flash.
Yesterday, I was at Bible study. The subject was about what God can do. The point was that God can do what He says He can do. Our job is to have the right tool in our relationship with Him. It is the tool of faith. Without faith, life is difficult and so frustrating. With the right tool of faith, it is turning the burden of it all over to the only One that has the right tools to carry it. Trying to carry it myself is like trying to get that screw out with a table knife. Next to impossible. God is who He says He is.....He can do what He says He can do.....I am who God says I am........I can do all things through Christ.......God's Word is alive and active in me. Hallelujah.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Truth is Fine
When I got eleven year old grandson, Isaiah, from basket ball practice last evening, he was pumped. Not about basketball; according to him, basketball was so-so. Sports isn't really any big deal to Isaiah. Normally, he is very quiet when gotten from school but this day he was full of talk. The first words out of his mouth were, "We had an awesome assembly today!" That's great, tell me about it. Isaiah went on and on about the interesting things he learned from this man who was a representative for the people who so tirelessly fight for God's truth in the area of creationism over evolution. Isaiah was struck with truth about the way the world began and about the findings of scientists and how scientists don't always get things right. The presenter told of many facts that Isaiah just soaked up. One of the quotes of Adolph Hitler was something that made Isaiah sit up and take notice. Hitler said, "If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough, people will believe it." How true it is.
Isn't it true today in our news media as well? Whom do you trust? To be honest, I don't trust anyone that speaks to me about the news in Irag or any other place in the world. The reason I don't believe them is that I have had reports that are total opposites. Some times and especially on Sunday mornings when political analysts are spewing out their views, I just want to turn them off. I am so sure that those are opinions not facts that are coming my way and I don't want those to sink into me.
One of the things Isaiah said on our ride home from school was, "That guy could have talked all day". I asked if he meant he could have listened to him all day. Yes, that was what he meant. He said he loved the facts that were coming from him and he knew inside him that they were the truth. Funny thing about truth. We can listen to truth and not tire of it. We want more. We are sponges.
This morning I will attend my Bible study group. Truth is taught there. I don't tire of it. And, more than that, I believe it is true. God's word is where truth stems. God's word is where the creationist gets his truth. It is also where I get mine. How about you?
P.S. I just read this verse; "By faith we understand that the universe wa formed at God's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Sure is proof fodder for the creationist that visited my grandchildren's school yesterday.
Isn't it true today in our news media as well? Whom do you trust? To be honest, I don't trust anyone that speaks to me about the news in Irag or any other place in the world. The reason I don't believe them is that I have had reports that are total opposites. Some times and especially on Sunday mornings when political analysts are spewing out their views, I just want to turn them off. I am so sure that those are opinions not facts that are coming my way and I don't want those to sink into me.
One of the things Isaiah said on our ride home from school was, "That guy could have talked all day". I asked if he meant he could have listened to him all day. Yes, that was what he meant. He said he loved the facts that were coming from him and he knew inside him that they were the truth. Funny thing about truth. We can listen to truth and not tire of it. We want more. We are sponges.
This morning I will attend my Bible study group. Truth is taught there. I don't tire of it. And, more than that, I believe it is true. God's word is where truth stems. God's word is where the creationist gets his truth. It is also where I get mine. How about you?
P.S. I just read this verse; "By faith we understand that the universe wa formed at God's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Sure is proof fodder for the creationist that visited my grandchildren's school yesterday.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
And Time Shall Be No More
Recently I found a clock that I thought would fit in well in my family room. It is rather antique looking to match all my other antiques. Mind you, they are my antiques, you know, the kind that I've had for a long time and have not replaced, not antiques in the valuable sense. Actually, the walls in this room are laden with old pictures. Pictures of ancestors of both Ken and me; pictures of children (eight of them), pictures of grandchildren, (seventeen of them). There are pictures from vacations when I was a child and when our children were small. I have a friend whom I don't see very often but think of each time I hang another picture. She is a very good decorator but she "hates" hanging pictures of people. What a difference in our outlooks. To me, the only thing really valuable in our physical world is people; so therefore, people hang about the walls of my home and particularly my family room. There is my great grandfather on my mother's side, my grandparents on both sides, Ken's biological mother whom we never met, my baby pictures, Ken's baby pictures and on and on it goes. There is history in this room. History recalls the passing of time. The "new" (garage sale) clock on my wall ticks away loudly. I rather like its sound but it does make the passing of time very obvious. Four minutes have passed since I sat down at this thing called a computer. Each of the ticks I hear is a tick that I will experience never again. The passing of that tick is troublesome in a way. I can never recover that particular tick. Can you imagine living in a place where time doesn't exist? Where time doesn't change anything? You would never be late for work or for a meeting. You would not have to keep a calendar. There would never be another birthday to remind you that you are getting older. Winter would never come. Children of God will live in a place like that one day. There is a song we used to sing in church which has lost its popular relevance that goes like this......
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound,
and time shall be no more,
And the morning breaks, eternal, bright, and fair;
When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,
And the roll is called up yonderI'll be there.
As I look at those words I am captured by the opposites in the second and third lines. The second line says "time shall be no more" and in the very next line the author uses a "time" word when he says " the morning breaks". Can there be morning in heaven if there is no time? Isn't morning part of the progression of time? It is all very interesting to think about. The passing of time kind of gets my goat. It seems I'm always in a race with the clock. Each day passes and night comes and I certainly have not accomplished all I wished I could have. Sometime my race will be over and I will live in eternity. Eternity, think about that word. That word itself literally means never ending. The passing of time remind us that there is an end. An end of whatever it is including us. Eternity means that passing is over. It is pure rest. I like the sound of it, don't you?
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound,
and time shall be no more,
And the morning breaks, eternal, bright, and fair;
When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore,
And the roll is called up yonderI'll be there.
As I look at those words I am captured by the opposites in the second and third lines. The second line says "time shall be no more" and in the very next line the author uses a "time" word when he says " the morning breaks". Can there be morning in heaven if there is no time? Isn't morning part of the progression of time? It is all very interesting to think about. The passing of time kind of gets my goat. It seems I'm always in a race with the clock. Each day passes and night comes and I certainly have not accomplished all I wished I could have. Sometime my race will be over and I will live in eternity. Eternity, think about that word. That word itself literally means never ending. The passing of time remind us that there is an end. An end of whatever it is including us. Eternity means that passing is over. It is pure rest. I like the sound of it, don't you?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Got a call yesterday that my brother was in the hospital with chest pain. He was brought by ambulance Friday night to Madison which is about an hour from their local hospital. Today they did the echo and stress tests. He called around four o'clock that he was home and they found nothing wrong with his heart. That is a thing to be grateful for. This is the brother that accompanied us on the summer trip to the west. When I told Isaiah that Uncle Jim (his great uncle) was in the hospital with chest pain, he said, "Well, he is a bit chubby, you know." I told Jim his quote and gave Jim something to laugh about today. My brother is a bit rotund and does need to downsize a bit but that would mean he would have to recognize that he has a need. Sometimes humans can be a bit head strong. :) I love you, Jim.
Went to J.C. Penney. The store is so new and so clean, it was almost sterile. They were offering some very good bargains. There wasn't anything we really needed so I refrained from spending money. With two family reunions and a baby shower within the next two weeks, I best save my money for the obvious.
We stopped at Porter Hospital to visit a man from our church who has been there about two weeks. He had gone in to have an aneurism repaired which went well but then he developed a blood clot in his lung. One thing after another. He looked so old with the oxygen mask on his face. Made me sad. When he is in church and all spiffed up he looks great. I'm hoping and praying he will soon be back worshipping at Community on Sundays.
I'm beginning to understand why Ken was not supposed to drive for two weeks. He still is experiencing pain and general discomfort. I will be grateful when he feels well again. It is tough to wait around for healing. Our bodies are wondrous but they still require time on their side to recover. I will say on Ken's behalf that he has been most patient and has not complained even a little. He puts me to shame. I'll bet he'd like to trade me in when I'm not well. This was the first day in about 40 years that I paid the electric and gas bills. I brought them into the bank and asked to have them stamped paid. Made me shudder a bit. I don't ever want to take over the finances. That is the ultimate yukky job in my book. I'll keep my head in the sand and let him do his thing. Thank you, Lord for a husband that takes care of me.
It is dark once again. The Word says that as long as the world goes on there will be light and dark. Isn't it awesome? We can stake our life on it. What organization He has created. I am amazed when I look at His awesome world. Have you ever thought of the wonder of the state of sleep? Amazing. We lay our heads down and without our will something takes over our bodies and our minds. The power of sleep. We don't even have control over that power in our lives. We can cooperate with it but we can't control it. And then to think that so much regeneration goes on when we are out of it. Cells rebuild and our organs are rested and given respite. What a miracle we are and what a miraculous God we have. Praise Him for His greatness.
Went to J.C. Penney. The store is so new and so clean, it was almost sterile. They were offering some very good bargains. There wasn't anything we really needed so I refrained from spending money. With two family reunions and a baby shower within the next two weeks, I best save my money for the obvious.
We stopped at Porter Hospital to visit a man from our church who has been there about two weeks. He had gone in to have an aneurism repaired which went well but then he developed a blood clot in his lung. One thing after another. He looked so old with the oxygen mask on his face. Made me sad. When he is in church and all spiffed up he looks great. I'm hoping and praying he will soon be back worshipping at Community on Sundays.
I'm beginning to understand why Ken was not supposed to drive for two weeks. He still is experiencing pain and general discomfort. I will be grateful when he feels well again. It is tough to wait around for healing. Our bodies are wondrous but they still require time on their side to recover. I will say on Ken's behalf that he has been most patient and has not complained even a little. He puts me to shame. I'll bet he'd like to trade me in when I'm not well. This was the first day in about 40 years that I paid the electric and gas bills. I brought them into the bank and asked to have them stamped paid. Made me shudder a bit. I don't ever want to take over the finances. That is the ultimate yukky job in my book. I'll keep my head in the sand and let him do his thing. Thank you, Lord for a husband that takes care of me.
It is dark once again. The Word says that as long as the world goes on there will be light and dark. Isn't it awesome? We can stake our life on it. What organization He has created. I am amazed when I look at His awesome world. Have you ever thought of the wonder of the state of sleep? Amazing. We lay our heads down and without our will something takes over our bodies and our minds. The power of sleep. We don't even have control over that power in our lives. We can cooperate with it but we can't control it. And then to think that so much regeneration goes on when we are out of it. Cells rebuild and our organs are rested and given respite. What a miracle we are and what a miraculous God we have. Praise Him for His greatness.
The Playoffs
Two weeks ago the Cubs let down their die hard fans by losing three in a row in the playoffs. Worst thing was they lost to the Diamond Backs which is our daughter's family's team. They live in Phoenix so that kind of figures but we count Sherri as a bit of a traitor. :) I know in her heart she still loves the Cubs but she gets caught up in the Diamond Back fury there. This spring she was the only woman in a group of supporters that was invited to a day of spring training. No, they didn't watch. They particpated. Each particpant was given a jersey with their name imprinted on it. Each was to do exactly as the players do in practice. She said she was sore for a week. The ultimate workout. Welllll, this past week, the Diamond Backs lost three in a row in the next level of playoffs. There have been some good spirited e-messages going back and forth between our children and us. Last week, Sherri wrote, "I waited all weekend for some congratulations but it has been pretty quiet coming from the Cub fans". Before the third game yesterday, Lauri wrote, "It is pretty quiet coming from the Diamond Back fans." When Ken told me the Diamond Backs lost their third in a row, I chuckled. He told me that wasn't nice and then he chuckled. Oh, the world of sports enthusiasts. In the big scheme of things, it is a drop in the bucket but it does provide some good entertainment.
The weather today is near perfect. Is this what heaven's climate will be like? Have you ever thought of that? Will it rain? Will there ever be thunder and lightning? Bernice and I are going to take a look at the new J.C. Penney in Valparaiso today. Really important work, you know.
I'm still bummed about the silver bullet disappointment but content that God's way is right. This morning Ken told me he had researched the resoration of the outside of those things and he said he found a way to make them as shiny as new. I told him that was really nice but we have to have one first. I still think there will be one in our future.
I'm late for my JC Penny date so more later in the day. Enjoy yours. I hope you can sniff the out of doors at least for a few minutes today.
The weather today is near perfect. Is this what heaven's climate will be like? Have you ever thought of that? Will it rain? Will there ever be thunder and lightning? Bernice and I are going to take a look at the new J.C. Penney in Valparaiso today. Really important work, you know.
I'm still bummed about the silver bullet disappointment but content that God's way is right. This morning Ken told me he had researched the resoration of the outside of those things and he said he found a way to make them as shiny as new. I told him that was really nice but we have to have one first. I still think there will be one in our future.
I'm late for my JC Penny date so more later in the day. Enjoy yours. I hope you can sniff the out of doors at least for a few minutes today.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Highs and Lows
My good friend, Bernice, accompanied me to the Mark Lowry concert last evening. It was truly a night of motivation and inspiration. Mark is funny beyond explanation and yet zings bare truth into his humor. I was impressed with his gut level and transparant vulnerability. I think that type of character reaches into the hearts of others. No pretense. No mask. This is what I am, these are my struggles, these are my convictions. Jesus accepts me through His shed blood for my sins and so you can take me or leave me. That is the message I got from Mark. I truly enjoyed myself and feel better for having attended. I feel badly that Ken wasn't able to attend because he is really the Mark Lowry fan around here. Any attraction I have for Mark is from my husband. When I returned home at 11:00 p.m, Ken was standing on the sidewalk waiting for me. "How was it?" was his first question. The smile on his face told me he knew we had had a good time and he wished he had been there. Ken is a very giving kind of guy and so never complains about missing something like that. Me, on the other hand..................................
Yesterday was a day filled with clouds of expectation and disappointments. Ken talked with the owner of Beaut around seven thirty yesterday morning. The plans were verified. We were to pick Beaut up around 1:30. We got in the area a bit early and when we rode by the house where Beaut had been setting, there was no Beaut. What the world is going on here? I called Ken and he in his trusting way said the guy had probably taken it to get some air in the tires. Sure. Well his suggestion was to wait until 1:30 before we took off. I smelled dead fish right away. All I could think was how grateful I was that the man had not taken the deposit I had offered him earlier in the week. I called the guy's number several times and only got a voice message service. About the third time, I was getting a little riled and said something like this, "Hey John, this is Gayle and I'm here in front of your house with hot money in my hand. The trailer is gone and you're not here. What in the hey doodle doodle is goin on? I expect a courtesy call". Not quite as nice as Ken would have been.
I was with Elton and Lauri and their kids as they were going to use their Durango to pull Beaut home. The kids were getting restless and had one question after another. The gallons of lemonade and soda they drank at the restaurant when we ate lunch had made the way to the other end and two of them had to find a place to empty their tank. There was nothing in the area where one would dare to take little kids to a restroom. So, we headed south to the Southlake area where we used a Starbuck's RR. Obviously, we picked up lattes also. That was some comfort. After continued phone calls to the "I am an honest man", we decided we were going to go home.
Mark Lowry sang a song last night that went something like this; "Every need you will get, sometimes the opposite". It was written using both a spiritual insight and a human insight. Sometimes we think we know what we need and we make plans. Other times, we get what we don't think we need when God interrupts us. Interruptions aren't always fun. Actually, Ken and I both looked at this silver bullet thing as God's gift to us to enjoy a desire of our heart. It was pulled out right from under us. Someone else came along between 7:30 yesterday morning and 1:30 yesterday afternoon that would give considerably more money than had been agreed upon. Instead of calling us and talking it over with us, the "honest man" (which he called himself) sold it to the other people and let us come to get what was no longer there. Now there is part of me that gets mad as a hornet about that deal. On the way home from church, my old woman mind said, I'll call him so many times it will bug the dickens out of him. He won't answer our phone calls. He had his brother call and "explain" to us. I can feel my bp rise as I tell the story. Then the spirit of God said, "Gayle, why would you as my ambassador, want to antagonize another human? Don't you trust that I know what is best for you? Don't you know that I will give you the desire of your heart if you follow me without complaint and without resorting to human measures?"
Yes, Lord. There is no Beaut in our driveway and we can't start the restoring process tomorrow. BUT, I know you are sovereign and that you do all things well. I trust that you will bring other things into our lives to bring us joy and pleasure. If it could be a silver bullet, I'd be delighted. And if it could be a good deal, I'd be more delighted. And if it were clean to begin with, I would be thrilled to the core. I surrender to your will. In the name of Jesus.
Now, I wonder. I think Beaut is the perfect name for a tired old trailer with possibilities. Did I name this one too soon? Can I name another Beaut,too? Kind of reminds me that we have had three dogs named Little Bit. We will see what the future holds. God is good ALL the time.
Yesterday was a day filled with clouds of expectation and disappointments. Ken talked with the owner of Beaut around seven thirty yesterday morning. The plans were verified. We were to pick Beaut up around 1:30. We got in the area a bit early and when we rode by the house where Beaut had been setting, there was no Beaut. What the world is going on here? I called Ken and he in his trusting way said the guy had probably taken it to get some air in the tires. Sure. Well his suggestion was to wait until 1:30 before we took off. I smelled dead fish right away. All I could think was how grateful I was that the man had not taken the deposit I had offered him earlier in the week. I called the guy's number several times and only got a voice message service. About the third time, I was getting a little riled and said something like this, "Hey John, this is Gayle and I'm here in front of your house with hot money in my hand. The trailer is gone and you're not here. What in the hey doodle doodle is goin on? I expect a courtesy call". Not quite as nice as Ken would have been.
I was with Elton and Lauri and their kids as they were going to use their Durango to pull Beaut home. The kids were getting restless and had one question after another. The gallons of lemonade and soda they drank at the restaurant when we ate lunch had made the way to the other end and two of them had to find a place to empty their tank. There was nothing in the area where one would dare to take little kids to a restroom. So, we headed south to the Southlake area where we used a Starbuck's RR. Obviously, we picked up lattes also. That was some comfort. After continued phone calls to the "I am an honest man", we decided we were going to go home.
Mark Lowry sang a song last night that went something like this; "Every need you will get, sometimes the opposite". It was written using both a spiritual insight and a human insight. Sometimes we think we know what we need and we make plans. Other times, we get what we don't think we need when God interrupts us. Interruptions aren't always fun. Actually, Ken and I both looked at this silver bullet thing as God's gift to us to enjoy a desire of our heart. It was pulled out right from under us. Someone else came along between 7:30 yesterday morning and 1:30 yesterday afternoon that would give considerably more money than had been agreed upon. Instead of calling us and talking it over with us, the "honest man" (which he called himself) sold it to the other people and let us come to get what was no longer there. Now there is part of me that gets mad as a hornet about that deal. On the way home from church, my old woman mind said, I'll call him so many times it will bug the dickens out of him. He won't answer our phone calls. He had his brother call and "explain" to us. I can feel my bp rise as I tell the story. Then the spirit of God said, "Gayle, why would you as my ambassador, want to antagonize another human? Don't you trust that I know what is best for you? Don't you know that I will give you the desire of your heart if you follow me without complaint and without resorting to human measures?"
Yes, Lord. There is no Beaut in our driveway and we can't start the restoring process tomorrow. BUT, I know you are sovereign and that you do all things well. I trust that you will bring other things into our lives to bring us joy and pleasure. If it could be a silver bullet, I'd be delighted. And if it could be a good deal, I'd be more delighted. And if it were clean to begin with, I would be thrilled to the core. I surrender to your will. In the name of Jesus.
Now, I wonder. I think Beaut is the perfect name for a tired old trailer with possibilities. Did I name this one too soon? Can I name another Beaut,too? Kind of reminds me that we have had three dogs named Little Bit. We will see what the future holds. God is good ALL the time.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Big Day Here
It's early Saturday morning. Slept pretty well last night. My shoulder and back are doing some better, but my hip is still not pain free. Oh the days when only a short time ago when I would think thoughts like, "I don't know what people talk about when they have aches and pains." Well, I do now. One of the people we had for dinner last night suggested Chondroitin. It had worked for him. Perhaps that is my next CVS purchase.
Yesterday, I spent in preparation for serving dinner to two couples. One couple are our good friends with whom we have been socially active nearly every week for years and years. The other had never been here before. I worked at the school with John and later we met at their home for Hallelujah Diet support group meetings. I never felt better in my life than when I was on that diet. It is so restrictive that I think once one has slipped off the wagon, it is very difficult to get back on. That reminds me that I should make some carrot juice this morning. Wishing to improve one's diet doesn't really cut the mustard. It takes real action. At any rate, our evening was very enjoyable. If one remembers, I was not sure what to serve as meat. Lauri and I made a trip to Costco and picked up some of their fresh tilapia. It was very good and approved by meat eaters and vegetarians alike. That's a real trick.
Next Saturday is the long awaited family reunion. I am still a bit skiddish about the whole project but hope and pray I can meet the challenge of making a warm and loving environment for everyone to reunite. My mother had two brothers. At this point this is noone coming from one of the brother's family. Some live about four hours away and others farther. I had hoped those that lived four hours away would find seeing their cousins important enough to travel a while but I guess not. I have decided not to lament over those that have not accepted the invitation but to throw my energy into those that do plan to come. My dear sister is flying in from Florida and that is exciting enough. We will meet her at Midway Airport Friday night. Next week will be a busy week.
This morning I will go with Lauri and Elton and their children to their eldest's volleyball game about an hour away. On our way home, we will pick up Beaut and take her home where we hope to give her tender loving care and restore her to her original beauty and comfort. Today begins a project of great proportion. :)
We have tickets to attend a Mark Lowry concert tonight at Olivet University in Bourbonais, Illinois. Mark is a singer/comedian that has had connections with Bill and Gloria Gaither. We have always enjoyed his clean and entertaining humor. His voice isn't bad to listen, too, either. The problem we have is that Ken isn't able to sit long enough to travel and be entertained so I will go without him. I'm trying to talk Isaiah into going with me. I know the little booger would enjoy it but getting an eleven year old to go with a bunch of grandparents is probably not going to work. We will see.
It is six thirty. I must get ready for the long day ahead. Isn't life exciting? Thank you, Lord, for all your good gifts to us. Thank you for good sleep, good health, good friends, wonderful children, a great husband, and most of all the confidence that I am in good Hands. Let your light shine through me today, Father. Let it not be all about me, but all about everyone else for Your sake. In Jesus name. So let it be.
Yesterday, I spent in preparation for serving dinner to two couples. One couple are our good friends with whom we have been socially active nearly every week for years and years. The other had never been here before. I worked at the school with John and later we met at their home for Hallelujah Diet support group meetings. I never felt better in my life than when I was on that diet. It is so restrictive that I think once one has slipped off the wagon, it is very difficult to get back on. That reminds me that I should make some carrot juice this morning. Wishing to improve one's diet doesn't really cut the mustard. It takes real action. At any rate, our evening was very enjoyable. If one remembers, I was not sure what to serve as meat. Lauri and I made a trip to Costco and picked up some of their fresh tilapia. It was very good and approved by meat eaters and vegetarians alike. That's a real trick.
Next Saturday is the long awaited family reunion. I am still a bit skiddish about the whole project but hope and pray I can meet the challenge of making a warm and loving environment for everyone to reunite. My mother had two brothers. At this point this is noone coming from one of the brother's family. Some live about four hours away and others farther. I had hoped those that lived four hours away would find seeing their cousins important enough to travel a while but I guess not. I have decided not to lament over those that have not accepted the invitation but to throw my energy into those that do plan to come. My dear sister is flying in from Florida and that is exciting enough. We will meet her at Midway Airport Friday night. Next week will be a busy week.
This morning I will go with Lauri and Elton and their children to their eldest's volleyball game about an hour away. On our way home, we will pick up Beaut and take her home where we hope to give her tender loving care and restore her to her original beauty and comfort. Today begins a project of great proportion. :)
We have tickets to attend a Mark Lowry concert tonight at Olivet University in Bourbonais, Illinois. Mark is a singer/comedian that has had connections with Bill and Gloria Gaither. We have always enjoyed his clean and entertaining humor. His voice isn't bad to listen, too, either. The problem we have is that Ken isn't able to sit long enough to travel and be entertained so I will go without him. I'm trying to talk Isaiah into going with me. I know the little booger would enjoy it but getting an eleven year old to go with a bunch of grandparents is probably not going to work. We will see.
It is six thirty. I must get ready for the long day ahead. Isn't life exciting? Thank you, Lord, for all your good gifts to us. Thank you for good sleep, good health, good friends, wonderful children, a great husband, and most of all the confidence that I am in good Hands. Let your light shine through me today, Father. Let it not be all about me, but all about everyone else for Your sake. In Jesus name. So let it be.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Sweet and Sour of Life
Well, the question has been asked. "Did you buy it?" Ken didn't feel well enough to sit long enough to drive an hour and a half round trip so he made some calls, did research on the net and decided he would buy it sight unseen. That makes me pretty nervous since I am the one that looked at it. I am so fease (dutch word) about dirty stuff and this is no different. Our good friend, Jerry, has been hired to do the dirty work. Bless that boy's heart. Upon hearing that her dad had hired Jerry to clean it out, Lauri said, "Now you're rockin. We can do all the fixing up once it is down to bare clean". I agree. I think I will probably enjoy it. Ken seems so excited about it. Lauri and Elton have a hitch on their Durango and will pick it up to take it home on Saturday after they attend a daughter's volley ball game. Now the question is, where is the morphidite going to set? Out of sight, I hope. We will see. My friend Bernice still contends that noone should see it in its present state. She is excited about our new venture, too. I'm sure most people would think we are more than nuts. I will take plenty of "before" pictures so the appreciation will still be appropriate. We haven't said anything to my dad about this. I'm not sure if he will be excited or think we have gone over the edge.
Today, I took Isaiah to school, went to Bernice's in between and then on to the chiropractor for my second visit for this aching body. My back is MUCH better but my left shoulder is still very sore. He worked on it a very long time in an intense way and so it hurts like the dickens today. Hopefully, it is a "worse to get better" situation.
After the chiro, I went back to Bernice's and accompanied her to CVS to print her vacation pictures. She had not had digital printed before and the first time at one of those machines can be pretty intimadating. We zoomed and cropped till her heart was content. Her pics look really good and it was fun to see what they had done during their six week jaunt away.
I noticed that Bernice had apples setting in a bag in her utility room. I told her I had a bag also that needed attention. Just like old times, we decided to do something with them collectively. She brought her "goods" to my house and we made applesauce and apple crisp together. What a sweet time of sharing and being productive at the same time. We chuckled about how fulfilled we felt at doing "all" these apples and then spoke of people we know that do a bushel or more. Bernice said, "This is as domestic as the two of us get". I have guests coming for dinner tomorrow evening so I'm a long way toward having my meal ready. My dad had given me some sweet potatoes along with the apples so I boiled those and then slipped off the skins. They were thrown in a the mixer with some REAL maple syrup and butter. I'll heat those in the oven tomorrow night. The meat is the real question. Two of the people coming for dinner are for the most part vegetarians. While I tend to fall in that direction also, I still am stumped to know what meat to fix for this meal. I wish I had picked up that tilapia I saw at Meijers last week. That would have worked.
I'd just like to say that God is good and faithful. Yesterday, we got some really bad news. Neither of us could sleep last night because of what this could mean for us. As I thought about how bad news can just undo one, I purposed in my heart not to let Satan get me all riled in this area again. I continued to remind God (or was it myself) that He is a faithful God and could (will) take care of this mountain for us, too. Today, we got a call that took the edge of fear away and brought the hope of resolution. At least there was a gesture on the part of the other party to offer us a bone. Pray with us that God will see us through and bring us to the other side unscathed. His will be done.
Today, I took Isaiah to school, went to Bernice's in between and then on to the chiropractor for my second visit for this aching body. My back is MUCH better but my left shoulder is still very sore. He worked on it a very long time in an intense way and so it hurts like the dickens today. Hopefully, it is a "worse to get better" situation.
After the chiro, I went back to Bernice's and accompanied her to CVS to print her vacation pictures. She had not had digital printed before and the first time at one of those machines can be pretty intimadating. We zoomed and cropped till her heart was content. Her pics look really good and it was fun to see what they had done during their six week jaunt away.
I noticed that Bernice had apples setting in a bag in her utility room. I told her I had a bag also that needed attention. Just like old times, we decided to do something with them collectively. She brought her "goods" to my house and we made applesauce and apple crisp together. What a sweet time of sharing and being productive at the same time. We chuckled about how fulfilled we felt at doing "all" these apples and then spoke of people we know that do a bushel or more. Bernice said, "This is as domestic as the two of us get". I have guests coming for dinner tomorrow evening so I'm a long way toward having my meal ready. My dad had given me some sweet potatoes along with the apples so I boiled those and then slipped off the skins. They were thrown in a the mixer with some REAL maple syrup and butter. I'll heat those in the oven tomorrow night. The meat is the real question. Two of the people coming for dinner are for the most part vegetarians. While I tend to fall in that direction also, I still am stumped to know what meat to fix for this meal. I wish I had picked up that tilapia I saw at Meijers last week. That would have worked.
I'd just like to say that God is good and faithful. Yesterday, we got some really bad news. Neither of us could sleep last night because of what this could mean for us. As I thought about how bad news can just undo one, I purposed in my heart not to let Satan get me all riled in this area again. I continued to remind God (or was it myself) that He is a faithful God and could (will) take care of this mountain for us, too. Today, we got a call that took the edge of fear away and brought the hope of resolution. At least there was a gesture on the part of the other party to offer us a bone. Pray with us that God will see us through and bring us to the other side unscathed. His will be done.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Travel Trailers
Forty five years ago, Ken and I took off on our honeymoon with a tail behind us. The tail was an Avion travel trailer which my dad owned. My dad was big into bullet shaped trailers. Our family trailer was an Airstream, the Cadillac of travel trailers. I remember the pride he had in that trailer. It was usually the talk of the park when we stopped for the night. Many people had never seen the inside of such a shaped trailer so we had many visitors.
I don't remember how Dad came to be the owner of the superfluous second trailer but he did. Ken and I wanted to visit my childhood friends, Jerry and Joyce Oezer, whom were in Tacoma, Washington where Jerry was stationed. My dad suggested we take the trailer. I think he must have been a little crazy. Who in the world would send two kids, twenty and twenty one off hauling a 26 foot trailer to the west coast. The driver, Ken, had never pulled a trailer before. Start we did and I recall only one close call. We were in the Rocky Mountains and Ken went off the side of the mountain road for just a moment. Between being stressed at the new state of marriage and also driving around with my dad's possession, the slip off the road brought me to tears. It had really scared me. I could just envision us down the cliff with an Avion trailer on top of us.
The trip was a success. That was once and we have never done it again. Basically, because we have not had the need or opportunity. With the size family we reared, we would have needed a forty foot trailer and people don't pull those around much for recreation. I always contend that I'm the kind of person that enjoys camping in Holiday Inns.
However, my love of silver bullets is deeply ingrained in my being. Two Christmases ago I came across a string of Airstream trailer lights. I let go of all hesitation and scarfed those up as soon as I saw them. Even my older children were brought nostalgia when they saw them. I'm sure all people have something rather ingrained in them brought on by family interest or experience. Another thing that my father ingrained in us was that we were to buy American made automobiles and they had to have been made by Chrysler. My father drives a beautful silver Chyrsler 300 today. It is the envy of all his grandchildren. We have disappointed him many times by purchasing Japanese made vehicles. We loved them and still find them very well made and economical. This summer we bought a Chrysler mini van. The patriarch took a look at it and actually complimented it. Wouldn't have been that way if it had been a Honda or Nissan. We've had some beautiful cars made by those companies which he ignored. Funny, isn't it? To say he is a man with purpose and opinion is an understatement.
A few months ago, Ken and I saw a show on television where vintage travel trailers were featured. There is increased interest these days in restoring those vehicles of pleasure from the sixties and seventies. Both of us caught the itch. Wouldn't it be fun to be the proud owner of one of those old puppies? Wouldn't it be a blast to fix it up and make it cute and cozy? We shared that story with someone at the Harvest Sale the other night and he said, "Oh those are retro and in big demand now. They come with big price tags". I told him that we hoped to find an owner who was not familiar with the knowledge of this vintage craze.
Sunday's paper had an ad in it that showed a twenty eight foot Avion travel trailer for sale for a reasonable amount of money. Ken couldn't go to see it yesterday but sent Lauri, my friend, Bernice and I to take a look at it. Oh my. It is from l977 and hasn't seen many house cleaners since that time. I don't have too much vision when it comes to restoration. People can look at a dump of a house and see it restored and beautiful. I've never had that skill, but I actually could see some promise here. A house is a huge project and overwhelms me, but this mini house is a possibility. Ken wanted me to buy the thing immediately. I called him from the sight and said, "Honey, I can't buy this thing without you. You have to see with your own eyes how much work will be involved in this before we can bring it home". Sooooo, today, after Bible study, I will drive Ken to Burr street to show him this monstrosity. The question is, "Will we be the proud owners of trailer trash today?"
They say people get crazier the older they get. Maybe, uh?
I don't remember how Dad came to be the owner of the superfluous second trailer but he did. Ken and I wanted to visit my childhood friends, Jerry and Joyce Oezer, whom were in Tacoma, Washington where Jerry was stationed. My dad suggested we take the trailer. I think he must have been a little crazy. Who in the world would send two kids, twenty and twenty one off hauling a 26 foot trailer to the west coast. The driver, Ken, had never pulled a trailer before. Start we did and I recall only one close call. We were in the Rocky Mountains and Ken went off the side of the mountain road for just a moment. Between being stressed at the new state of marriage and also driving around with my dad's possession, the slip off the road brought me to tears. It had really scared me. I could just envision us down the cliff with an Avion trailer on top of us.
The trip was a success. That was once and we have never done it again. Basically, because we have not had the need or opportunity. With the size family we reared, we would have needed a forty foot trailer and people don't pull those around much for recreation. I always contend that I'm the kind of person that enjoys camping in Holiday Inns.
However, my love of silver bullets is deeply ingrained in my being. Two Christmases ago I came across a string of Airstream trailer lights. I let go of all hesitation and scarfed those up as soon as I saw them. Even my older children were brought nostalgia when they saw them. I'm sure all people have something rather ingrained in them brought on by family interest or experience. Another thing that my father ingrained in us was that we were to buy American made automobiles and they had to have been made by Chrysler. My father drives a beautful silver Chyrsler 300 today. It is the envy of all his grandchildren. We have disappointed him many times by purchasing Japanese made vehicles. We loved them and still find them very well made and economical. This summer we bought a Chrysler mini van. The patriarch took a look at it and actually complimented it. Wouldn't have been that way if it had been a Honda or Nissan. We've had some beautiful cars made by those companies which he ignored. Funny, isn't it? To say he is a man with purpose and opinion is an understatement.
A few months ago, Ken and I saw a show on television where vintage travel trailers were featured. There is increased interest these days in restoring those vehicles of pleasure from the sixties and seventies. Both of us caught the itch. Wouldn't it be fun to be the proud owner of one of those old puppies? Wouldn't it be a blast to fix it up and make it cute and cozy? We shared that story with someone at the Harvest Sale the other night and he said, "Oh those are retro and in big demand now. They come with big price tags". I told him that we hoped to find an owner who was not familiar with the knowledge of this vintage craze.
Sunday's paper had an ad in it that showed a twenty eight foot Avion travel trailer for sale for a reasonable amount of money. Ken couldn't go to see it yesterday but sent Lauri, my friend, Bernice and I to take a look at it. Oh my. It is from l977 and hasn't seen many house cleaners since that time. I don't have too much vision when it comes to restoration. People can look at a dump of a house and see it restored and beautiful. I've never had that skill, but I actually could see some promise here. A house is a huge project and overwhelms me, but this mini house is a possibility. Ken wanted me to buy the thing immediately. I called him from the sight and said, "Honey, I can't buy this thing without you. You have to see with your own eyes how much work will be involved in this before we can bring it home". Sooooo, today, after Bible study, I will drive Ken to Burr street to show him this monstrosity. The question is, "Will we be the proud owners of trailer trash today?"
They say people get crazier the older they get. Maybe, uh?
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Eyes were Opened
I'm finally back at this. Yesterday was a day long in waiting.....waiting to go back to see Ken after he had been made ready for surgery.........waiting for the doctor to actually get to the hospital......waiting until the patient ahead of Ken in the schedule to be taken care of.......waiting to hear he was in the recovery room and then waiting for what seemed like forever for me to be called into the recovery room. He was the last patient there. The surgical fury for the day was complete and the nurses were chatting about their latest barbecue. The reason for the wait was that Ken was enjoying a very long and painless sleep. He didn't want to wake up so he made me sit and wait. How is that for chivalry? He was in the hospital a bit early and they took him right back for prep, that was at 9:30 am. I finally got my man in the car to head back to home sweet home at three pm. My back was a complete mess by that time caused from sitting on those less than comfortable chairs and I must admit, the stress from the whole experience added to my misery. Ken is such a trooper during those times. I could tell he was a bit stressed the day prior. He snapped at unusual things and I just ignored it because I could relate very well. I have been there. This morning I heard him tell a daughter, "You know, you go in feeling well and come out feeling poopy" (no pun intended). But, the surgery is over and now healing has begun. I told him that now he is all cleaned up in that area it will make hygiene much easy for our kids when they take care of their old man. We both chuckled but I think the statement is true.
Over the weekend, Lauri and I accompanied Kendra and Craig to Babies R Us to register for the things they need for baby number one. Once there, I began to take in the atmosphere around me. Around each aisle, I met other people, always with a pregnant one in the company. The pregnant one is carrying a registry gun with which to choose the item she hopes to receive from "the baby shower". Soon Lauri whispered to me, "This is a racket!" I hearily agreed. Keep in mind that I've been out of this baby scene for nearly thiry years, but Lauri's youngest is six. Even she was amazed at the options parents have to bounce, swing, vibrate, glide, and stroll their child. Not to mention what is needed for keeping them safe in the car. Finally after thinking about all the money invested and the room this would take to store, I had to say it. "Kendra, it amazes me that you kids even lived". Now there. I said it. I went on to tell her that when she surprised us with her coming when I was in my late thirties, her father and I splurged by buying an umbrella stroller that had two settings. One could lay the baby back and the other to lay the child BACK. We had been through a few babies by then and had six children and six children's junk to store so we thought to do things on a small scale. We opted for a little seat that attached to the table instead of a high chair. We found the child enjoyed the meal more being part of the family seated around the table. I think high chairs are unnecessary.
At one point, Lauri suggested something and I don't recall what that she thought they needed. I rolled my eyes at her and she, in her daddy like style, quickly quipped, "Sorry Mom, just gettin caught up in the moment." I could have died laughing. The whole reason for our accompaning these two was to make sure they registered for things that would get used more than twice in the life of a baby. We have attended a few babies showers recently where we would look at each other and share "the look". The look meant, "What the heck are they going to do with that?"
I must say that my son-in-law had done his homework. He had hand written pages along which carried information regarding the Consumer Report's advice on baby equipment. I had my tongue in check but on the other hand, how neat to have a father so involved and so interested in the child before the little gal has made her appearance. No doubt about it, he will make a great daddy.
Three hours later, we had determined that none of the bedding sets there were as nice as the one Kendra's cousin had chosen. The big decision, buy the same one or look for something more individual. The jury is still out on that one but they have been looking online and hope to come up with something as cute but different.
The registry is complete. The shower is planned. Babies R Us is doing a bang up business encouraging new moms and dads that they need the world with which to raise a healthy child. I say again, "My poor kids." If you sense a bit of synicism, I suppose I'm guilty. At the same time, I am extremely excited and find the whole experience a lot of fun and joy. It will be wonderful to paint and fix her little room in preparation for the princess's arrival. We are delighted over our expected eighteenth grandchild. Each one is precious and held dear.
Over the weekend, Lauri and I accompanied Kendra and Craig to Babies R Us to register for the things they need for baby number one. Once there, I began to take in the atmosphere around me. Around each aisle, I met other people, always with a pregnant one in the company. The pregnant one is carrying a registry gun with which to choose the item she hopes to receive from "the baby shower". Soon Lauri whispered to me, "This is a racket!" I hearily agreed. Keep in mind that I've been out of this baby scene for nearly thiry years, but Lauri's youngest is six. Even she was amazed at the options parents have to bounce, swing, vibrate, glide, and stroll their child. Not to mention what is needed for keeping them safe in the car. Finally after thinking about all the money invested and the room this would take to store, I had to say it. "Kendra, it amazes me that you kids even lived". Now there. I said it. I went on to tell her that when she surprised us with her coming when I was in my late thirties, her father and I splurged by buying an umbrella stroller that had two settings. One could lay the baby back and the other to lay the child BACK. We had been through a few babies by then and had six children and six children's junk to store so we thought to do things on a small scale. We opted for a little seat that attached to the table instead of a high chair. We found the child enjoyed the meal more being part of the family seated around the table. I think high chairs are unnecessary.
At one point, Lauri suggested something and I don't recall what that she thought they needed. I rolled my eyes at her and she, in her daddy like style, quickly quipped, "Sorry Mom, just gettin caught up in the moment." I could have died laughing. The whole reason for our accompaning these two was to make sure they registered for things that would get used more than twice in the life of a baby. We have attended a few babies showers recently where we would look at each other and share "the look". The look meant, "What the heck are they going to do with that?"
I must say that my son-in-law had done his homework. He had hand written pages along which carried information regarding the Consumer Report's advice on baby equipment. I had my tongue in check but on the other hand, how neat to have a father so involved and so interested in the child before the little gal has made her appearance. No doubt about it, he will make a great daddy.
Three hours later, we had determined that none of the bedding sets there were as nice as the one Kendra's cousin had chosen. The big decision, buy the same one or look for something more individual. The jury is still out on that one but they have been looking online and hope to come up with something as cute but different.
The registry is complete. The shower is planned. Babies R Us is doing a bang up business encouraging new moms and dads that they need the world with which to raise a healthy child. I say again, "My poor kids." If you sense a bit of synicism, I suppose I'm guilty. At the same time, I am extremely excited and find the whole experience a lot of fun and joy. It will be wonderful to paint and fix her little room in preparation for the princess's arrival. We are delighted over our expected eighteenth grandchild. Each one is precious and held dear.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Cleansing Day
UGH. I think something is going on with my body right now. If it isn't one thing, it is the next. This morning as I sat in the tub, I pulled up my left leg chicken wing fashion and felt my back go out. Haven't you heard that saying before? "Back go out". What in the world does it mean? I don't know but I felt a sharp pain and as quickly as I pulled up my leg I brought it down again. Since then I'm moving rather slowly. Getting out of the tub was a challenge. Certain moves are okay but then there are others that send me to the ceiling. One would say this is certain proof that I'm getting old. I would say to that person, I have had times like this for many years so then I must have been getting old for a very long time. Don't you ever wonder why one's body goes through these times of stress and pain? I can't say I'm particularly stressed. I know I have a lot going on in the next few weeks and perhaps subconsciously that is taking its toll. I don't know, but I'm happy it is Sunday and I can without guilt or shame, sit and not do any work. Even with a sore shoulder, a hurting back and two broken toes that are taking a long time to heal, I still praise God for the health and strength I enjoy.
Yesterday, Ken and I accompanied Craig and Kendra to their alma mater, Valparaiso University. It is homecoming weekend and there was a concert at three oclock that featured two of Kendra's good friends who have taken a professional turn with their musical gifts. One is a boy Kendra took violin lessons with way back when they were six or seven. We were a very tight group with the teacher that taught them. During the week each would have an individual lesson and on Saturday morning, everyone would gather for a group lesson. Parents became acquainted and yesterday it was a joy to hug so many we knew including Kendra's first violin teacher. The other performer was a gal Kendra roomed with during the college years. Sally sang for Kendra's wedding. It was great to see how those kids have matured into real people and also matured in skills. We enjoyed their music very much. Ken complained a bit because none of the songs were sung in English. I had to laugh. Yes, it was a bit high brow but wonderful. Not that we are prejudiced at all but we enjoyed Andy's violin concerto the most. He is the most down to earth guy, it's difficult to believe he is out there in the music world making a name for himself.
Tomorrow, Ken is going to have corrective surgery on a back part of one's body noone talks about. Already today he has to begin a liquid diet. Not very much fun looking forward to this. One of his comforts was that he said his "last meal" would be grecian pork chops at the Broadway Cafe. So after we left the kids to their friends, we went to the cafe. He ordered the two chop meal and after eating one decided the other he would take home for Isaiah. He did enjoy the meal though so today eating light won't be too difficult. Now for the ugly part as he cleans out his system entirely. I had this done about seven years ago and can relate to all the agony. Our kids said this isn't funny because if both their parents have had this surgery it doesn't bode well for them. All this said with smiles on their faces, of course
Yesterday, Ken and I accompanied Craig and Kendra to their alma mater, Valparaiso University. It is homecoming weekend and there was a concert at three oclock that featured two of Kendra's good friends who have taken a professional turn with their musical gifts. One is a boy Kendra took violin lessons with way back when they were six or seven. We were a very tight group with the teacher that taught them. During the week each would have an individual lesson and on Saturday morning, everyone would gather for a group lesson. Parents became acquainted and yesterday it was a joy to hug so many we knew including Kendra's first violin teacher. The other performer was a gal Kendra roomed with during the college years. Sally sang for Kendra's wedding. It was great to see how those kids have matured into real people and also matured in skills. We enjoyed their music very much. Ken complained a bit because none of the songs were sung in English. I had to laugh. Yes, it was a bit high brow but wonderful. Not that we are prejudiced at all but we enjoyed Andy's violin concerto the most. He is the most down to earth guy, it's difficult to believe he is out there in the music world making a name for himself.
Tomorrow, Ken is going to have corrective surgery on a back part of one's body noone talks about. Already today he has to begin a liquid diet. Not very much fun looking forward to this. One of his comforts was that he said his "last meal" would be grecian pork chops at the Broadway Cafe. So after we left the kids to their friends, we went to the cafe. He ordered the two chop meal and after eating one decided the other he would take home for Isaiah. He did enjoy the meal though so today eating light won't be too difficult. Now for the ugly part as he cleans out his system entirely. I had this done about seven years ago and can relate to all the agony. Our kids said this isn't funny because if both their parents have had this surgery it doesn't bode well for them. All this said with smiles on their faces, of course
Saturday, October 6, 2007
A Little of Much
It was a beautiful know the kind that comes upon awakening when you realize you actually slept in on a Saturday morning? The biological clock didn't awaken me earlier than I wanted. There were no phone calls at the crack of dawn. No roosters crowed. When I opened my eyes, it was light and my spirit was calm and the clock said 7:30. It truly was a beautiful thing.
Earlier in the night it was a bit different. My shoulder ached enough to keep me awake and I was miserable. I went to the recliner and slept several hours there. It seemed to feel better to be more propped up. I'll be happy to have this latest malady subside. I don't think it has helped that I have kept attempting to get things accomplished that require physical labor. I think this weekend I'll not pull anything or lift anything and see if some healing will occur. The Word tells me that Jesus already suffered for this so I'm trusting He will attend to the healing of it as well.
The Harvest Sale was once again, the night where the Christian school community of supporters come together to enjoy each other and the sale. My husband and I have never been in a position to be able to spend mega bucks as we see others doing. I am grateful for those that have the where with all to do that. Because of their generosity, my kids and grandkids have gotten and are getting a Christ centered education. We always felt blessed that we could make the end result of the tuition bill be proclaimed paid in full. With eight kids that was a daunting challenge. I'm happy to say that for Ken and me that is a thing of the past. The kids are grown and there is no doubt in my mind that their Bible based education has stood them in good sted. I don't think there is one of them that would dispute that.
Yesterday, my ever faithful friend, Bernice, came to help me wash windows. Once we started, I realized it was a bigger bite than I could chew with my hurting right arm. She went on without me while I did other things that didn't present such a challenge. It was fun to work with her. No doubt about it, she still spurs me on. She has been my right arm in all of my adult life. She and I met when Lauri was an infant. That is forty years ago. (Sorry, Lauri) I don't know what I would have done with out such a friend that continues to encourage me in faith and walk beside me through all the trials of life. At one point many years ago, Ken and I and seventeen month old Kendra went to Denmark to visit a former exchange student and attend her wedding. Bernice and her husband moved into our home with her children and took care of the other six of ours while we were gone three full weeks. How can one thank somebody enough for that kind of sacrifice? There is no doubt that if the good deeds from one to the other were measured, my side would be the heaviest with receipt. I thank you, Bernice, for all you have meant to me and for all the fun we have had together. Your role model in my life of faith is immeasurable. I love you.
Kendra just called from Lauri's house where she and her husband stayed the night. The question, "Are you coming for coffee?" The answer, "Sure, I'll be right there." So, off I go, to spend some joy time with my daughters and their husbands. Oh yea, the grandkids, too. They are a hoot every day. God was so wise to give us children. They continue to make us relive our own childhood. They also bring many a smile to one's life.
Earlier in the night it was a bit different. My shoulder ached enough to keep me awake and I was miserable. I went to the recliner and slept several hours there. It seemed to feel better to be more propped up. I'll be happy to have this latest malady subside. I don't think it has helped that I have kept attempting to get things accomplished that require physical labor. I think this weekend I'll not pull anything or lift anything and see if some healing will occur. The Word tells me that Jesus already suffered for this so I'm trusting He will attend to the healing of it as well.
The Harvest Sale was once again, the night where the Christian school community of supporters come together to enjoy each other and the sale. My husband and I have never been in a position to be able to spend mega bucks as we see others doing. I am grateful for those that have the where with all to do that. Because of their generosity, my kids and grandkids have gotten and are getting a Christ centered education. We always felt blessed that we could make the end result of the tuition bill be proclaimed paid in full. With eight kids that was a daunting challenge. I'm happy to say that for Ken and me that is a thing of the past. The kids are grown and there is no doubt in my mind that their Bible based education has stood them in good sted. I don't think there is one of them that would dispute that.
Yesterday, my ever faithful friend, Bernice, came to help me wash windows. Once we started, I realized it was a bigger bite than I could chew with my hurting right arm. She went on without me while I did other things that didn't present such a challenge. It was fun to work with her. No doubt about it, she still spurs me on. She has been my right arm in all of my adult life. She and I met when Lauri was an infant. That is forty years ago. (Sorry, Lauri) I don't know what I would have done with out such a friend that continues to encourage me in faith and walk beside me through all the trials of life. At one point many years ago, Ken and I and seventeen month old Kendra went to Denmark to visit a former exchange student and attend her wedding. Bernice and her husband moved into our home with her children and took care of the other six of ours while we were gone three full weeks. How can one thank somebody enough for that kind of sacrifice? There is no doubt that if the good deeds from one to the other were measured, my side would be the heaviest with receipt. I thank you, Bernice, for all you have meant to me and for all the fun we have had together. Your role model in my life of faith is immeasurable. I love you.
Kendra just called from Lauri's house where she and her husband stayed the night. The question, "Are you coming for coffee?" The answer, "Sure, I'll be right there." So, off I go, to spend some joy time with my daughters and their husbands. Oh yea, the grandkids, too. They are a hoot every day. God was so wise to give us children. They continue to make us relive our own childhood. They also bring many a smile to one's life.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Life is Good
Remember the ringing phone I ignored yesterday? Yes oh yes, it is always one I should have gotten. It was my dad's wife telling me that my uncle was brought to the hospital by ambulance and would be having some procedures done so they had been asked not to go to see him. I was so bummed when I called last night and learned that news. All day I had thought of them and the bitter sweet time they were spending together as siblings, perhaps for the last time. Then to find I had false information. The latest is that my uncle had fluid removed (3rd time) from around his heart yesterday and is hopeful that a drain will be put in place today. Oh, God, bring wisdom to the doctors and relief for Uncle Bob.
Lauri and I got all the baby shower invitations made and addressed. Ken is mailing them this morning. Big job complete. I put finishing touches on the center pieces so they are in a box waiting for their day. How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That is my motto for the month of October.
Laundry disaster. Yes, indeedy, we had a big one. No, it wasn't a red crayon or an ink pen. It was one of those wonderful theraputic pillows that got caught somewhere inside the washer, a tear was made and we had a gazillion little tiny white balls EVERYWHERE and on EVERYTHING. I tried to wipe them out of the washer and that was hopeless as they have the ability to escape one's grasp. Then I came up with the idea to allow the washer lid to remain open over night so that it dried completely. Yesterday morning, I vacuumed tons of little teeny balls out of the washer. Thinking we were now out of the woods, I told Scarlen she could now do her laundry. When her load was finished, she came to me and said, "Look in the washer, Mom". I looked and saw a huge mess. Her clothes were covered with little white slippery balls. I put her clothes in a plastic laundry basket and brought the basket outdoors very carefully. I shook those things till they were nearly free of balls. Then I decided to just vacuum the inside of the washer another time. I have since washed another load and we are almost free of balls. A hundred of them is nothing when one has dealt with millions of them. The best part of this drama is that the little white balls seemingly do no damage to our clothes.
Tomorrow evening is the annual Harvest Sale at the local Christian school. For school students, it is the biggest night of the year. My youngest daughter told me just this morning that when she was in 7th grade, she got her first kiss the night of the Harvest Sale. You see, the older kids seem to find the woods at the back of the school property. Our live-in grandson commented during breakfast this morning, "Tomorrow is the Harvest Sale!"
"Yes, it sure is, are you excited?"
"Yea, I can't decide if I'm going to play the games or hang out with my friends."
Hmmmm, I can hear it coming. Our big sixth grader is growing up. Kendra LOVES the Harvest Sale and comes home two and a half hours each year to attend. This year is no different except that she has convinced Craig that he should come too. I told her not to expect that he will see this event through the same eyes she does. She said he had better see it the way she does. That brought a big shared laugh.
As my dad said a few days ago, "We were created to live eternally. It wasn't His plan that we should have to die. Therefore we love life. And for a Christian, inspite of what is going on around us, life is pretty good." Amen to that. Praise God for the grace He gives us as we live in this tainted and perverse culture. But the word says, "His glory fills the whole earth". I can attest to that, can you?
Lauri and I got all the baby shower invitations made and addressed. Ken is mailing them this morning. Big job complete. I put finishing touches on the center pieces so they are in a box waiting for their day. How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time. That is my motto for the month of October.
Laundry disaster. Yes, indeedy, we had a big one. No, it wasn't a red crayon or an ink pen. It was one of those wonderful theraputic pillows that got caught somewhere inside the washer, a tear was made and we had a gazillion little tiny white balls EVERYWHERE and on EVERYTHING. I tried to wipe them out of the washer and that was hopeless as they have the ability to escape one's grasp. Then I came up with the idea to allow the washer lid to remain open over night so that it dried completely. Yesterday morning, I vacuumed tons of little teeny balls out of the washer. Thinking we were now out of the woods, I told Scarlen she could now do her laundry. When her load was finished, she came to me and said, "Look in the washer, Mom". I looked and saw a huge mess. Her clothes were covered with little white slippery balls. I put her clothes in a plastic laundry basket and brought the basket outdoors very carefully. I shook those things till they were nearly free of balls. Then I decided to just vacuum the inside of the washer another time. I have since washed another load and we are almost free of balls. A hundred of them is nothing when one has dealt with millions of them. The best part of this drama is that the little white balls seemingly do no damage to our clothes.
Tomorrow evening is the annual Harvest Sale at the local Christian school. For school students, it is the biggest night of the year. My youngest daughter told me just this morning that when she was in 7th grade, she got her first kiss the night of the Harvest Sale. You see, the older kids seem to find the woods at the back of the school property. Our live-in grandson commented during breakfast this morning, "Tomorrow is the Harvest Sale!"
"Yes, it sure is, are you excited?"
"Yea, I can't decide if I'm going to play the games or hang out with my friends."
Hmmmm, I can hear it coming. Our big sixth grader is growing up. Kendra LOVES the Harvest Sale and comes home two and a half hours each year to attend. This year is no different except that she has convinced Craig that he should come too. I told her not to expect that he will see this event through the same eyes she does. She said he had better see it the way she does. That brought a big shared laugh.
As my dad said a few days ago, "We were created to live eternally. It wasn't His plan that we should have to die. Therefore we love life. And for a Christian, inspite of what is going on around us, life is pretty good." Amen to that. Praise God for the grace He gives us as we live in this tainted and perverse culture. But the word says, "His glory fills the whole earth". I can attest to that, can you?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Well Done
BIG DEEP BREATH! Hold that for a moment..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Okay, I can go on started with a bang. The phone rang off the wall. Lauri called that she was ready to make invitations for Kendra's baby shower at 8:00 a.m. The phone kept ringing. Slap the makeup on and run a brush through the unwashed hair. Yuk, you say. Well, yes, yuk, but for today, it has to be that way just to stay caught up with the world that spins around me. As I drove out of the garage, I heard the phone ring again. My thought was, "ring away, I'm out of here". I suppose I should check my messages. Later. Lauri and I worked on invitations until nearly nine o'clock when we dropped everything and went to pick up a friend who was accompanying us to Bible Study.
Bible Study ladies do an incredible job of providing breakfast for us each Wednesday morning. We enjoyed waffles, casseroles, fruit, and mocha drinks. Pretty awesome way to start our day together. Beth Moore was tremendous again today. Her message made me want to get on my knees and bow before the God of the universe. The truth I received today made my whole being feel like I'd been crying for an hour.
Back to Lauri's house to work on invitations. The end is in sight. Lauri had to go to work this afternoon so I stayed at her house and finished some of the steps in card making. We should have all of them out by tomorrow. There isn't anything either of us like more than a project such as this baby shower. It is right up our alley to hostess and to fuss with all the details. And fuss we do....sometimes to the demise of our schedules.
My dad and wife and my dad's siblings and spouses went to Grand Rapids today to bid farewell to their dying brother. My uncle is not doing well at all. My aunt told me last evening that she feels he has given up. He spoke of Hospice or home nursing care yesterday which makes all of us very sad. I am confident that if we spent one moment in eternity we would not be sad to see him receive his reward. Yet we are struggling to give him up. There isn't anyone else in the world that I admire more. His character is as close to the character of Christ that any I have witnessed. His love is without measure. The day he is no longer able to converse with me will be a sad day. My life is richer for being blessed with an uncle that is always totally involved emotionally in my life. There is no doubt that he loves me and I him. He is my Christian cheerleader, the mentor that I go to when questions troubled me. He stood by us with encouraging words as we welcomed four children into our home through adoption and all through the years of rearing them. He reminded me of God's promises when ever there was a job loss or illness. His influence in my life is invaluable and I thank God for giving him to me. "Okay, God, if it is time for you to take him home, I must release him to Your care. Thanks for the gift of his presence in my life. Make his transition as gentle as is his character. I know you will welcome him with the words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter into my heaven."
Okay, I can go on started with a bang. The phone rang off the wall. Lauri called that she was ready to make invitations for Kendra's baby shower at 8:00 a.m. The phone kept ringing. Slap the makeup on and run a brush through the unwashed hair. Yuk, you say. Well, yes, yuk, but for today, it has to be that way just to stay caught up with the world that spins around me. As I drove out of the garage, I heard the phone ring again. My thought was, "ring away, I'm out of here". I suppose I should check my messages. Later. Lauri and I worked on invitations until nearly nine o'clock when we dropped everything and went to pick up a friend who was accompanying us to Bible Study.
Bible Study ladies do an incredible job of providing breakfast for us each Wednesday morning. We enjoyed waffles, casseroles, fruit, and mocha drinks. Pretty awesome way to start our day together. Beth Moore was tremendous again today. Her message made me want to get on my knees and bow before the God of the universe. The truth I received today made my whole being feel like I'd been crying for an hour.
Back to Lauri's house to work on invitations. The end is in sight. Lauri had to go to work this afternoon so I stayed at her house and finished some of the steps in card making. We should have all of them out by tomorrow. There isn't anything either of us like more than a project such as this baby shower. It is right up our alley to hostess and to fuss with all the details. And fuss we do....sometimes to the demise of our schedules.
My dad and wife and my dad's siblings and spouses went to Grand Rapids today to bid farewell to their dying brother. My uncle is not doing well at all. My aunt told me last evening that she feels he has given up. He spoke of Hospice or home nursing care yesterday which makes all of us very sad. I am confident that if we spent one moment in eternity we would not be sad to see him receive his reward. Yet we are struggling to give him up. There isn't anyone else in the world that I admire more. His character is as close to the character of Christ that any I have witnessed. His love is without measure. The day he is no longer able to converse with me will be a sad day. My life is richer for being blessed with an uncle that is always totally involved emotionally in my life. There is no doubt that he loves me and I him. He is my Christian cheerleader, the mentor that I go to when questions troubled me. He stood by us with encouraging words as we welcomed four children into our home through adoption and all through the years of rearing them. He reminded me of God's promises when ever there was a job loss or illness. His influence in my life is invaluable and I thank God for giving him to me. "Okay, God, if it is time for you to take him home, I must release him to Your care. Thanks for the gift of his presence in my life. Make his transition as gentle as is his character. I know you will welcome him with the words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter into my heaven."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Let's Avoid the Train Wreck
A scan at our landscape suggests nature is getting ready for a long slumber. All plants and trees appear tired and weary. Many that were virbrant just a mere month ago, stand slumped with heads hung low. They are ready to give it up.
I think that happens to many in the process of life. It may be life itself or perhaps some task or project one is involved in. The time of fight is over and the one involved gives it up. Let it die, is the motto. This often happens when one has fought for a particular goal for a long time. I'm thinking of the fight to make abortion illegal. Many people have fought tirelessly for the right in that regard. We, Protestants, can thank our Catholic brothers and sisters for taking an active role in that fight. Others fight for what they feel is right in the arena of politics. When we look around us and see what is happening in our nation with the influx of peoples that serve another God, we sit in our homes and shudder. I am beginning to see that rights happen for some while for others fighting for the same rights are defeated. I know that the chaplains in our military are feeling great pressure to refrain from praying in the name of Jesus. At the same time, Islams are being given the right to teach their children hate and violence in their schools located right in our backyards. Something is wrong in our nation. I wonder if we are falling apart at the seams.
We see violence all around us in our existing society. Many feel unsafe and threatened in our neighborhoods and school. Why is this happening? I suppose there are many reasons but I feel strongly that violence and unrest and disfunction have greatly increased since we have taken God out of our schools. This trend is continuing in other areas of public life. The Indiana goverment has done away with a chaplain because that body made it unlawful to pray in Jesus name any longer. This in a state that is made up of many people who practice Christianity.
When I look at all the challenges, my first response is to give up. Let it die, whatever it is, I can't seem to do anything about it. I am powerless to change the direction of the train which is headed for a violent wreck. I am tired of watching it deteriorate. Then I take a deep breath and allow the truth of Spirit to rise in me. God is still in control. I may not be powerful enough to change the wrong to right, but I can pray and ask God to forgive our land and to heal it. The USA was a nation founded on the truths of God. If you don't believe that I invite you to visit Philadelphia's historic section and read about it. We may have forgotten to ask His continued participation but we can start now. I encourage you to join me in prayer for justice in our land and continuance of freedom.
I think that happens to many in the process of life. It may be life itself or perhaps some task or project one is involved in. The time of fight is over and the one involved gives it up. Let it die, is the motto. This often happens when one has fought for a particular goal for a long time. I'm thinking of the fight to make abortion illegal. Many people have fought tirelessly for the right in that regard. We, Protestants, can thank our Catholic brothers and sisters for taking an active role in that fight. Others fight for what they feel is right in the arena of politics. When we look around us and see what is happening in our nation with the influx of peoples that serve another God, we sit in our homes and shudder. I am beginning to see that rights happen for some while for others fighting for the same rights are defeated. I know that the chaplains in our military are feeling great pressure to refrain from praying in the name of Jesus. At the same time, Islams are being given the right to teach their children hate and violence in their schools located right in our backyards. Something is wrong in our nation. I wonder if we are falling apart at the seams.
We see violence all around us in our existing society. Many feel unsafe and threatened in our neighborhoods and school. Why is this happening? I suppose there are many reasons but I feel strongly that violence and unrest and disfunction have greatly increased since we have taken God out of our schools. This trend is continuing in other areas of public life. The Indiana goverment has done away with a chaplain because that body made it unlawful to pray in Jesus name any longer. This in a state that is made up of many people who practice Christianity.
When I look at all the challenges, my first response is to give up. Let it die, whatever it is, I can't seem to do anything about it. I am powerless to change the direction of the train which is headed for a violent wreck. I am tired of watching it deteriorate. Then I take a deep breath and allow the truth of Spirit to rise in me. God is still in control. I may not be powerful enough to change the wrong to right, but I can pray and ask God to forgive our land and to heal it. The USA was a nation founded on the truths of God. If you don't believe that I invite you to visit Philadelphia's historic section and read about it. We may have forgotten to ask His continued participation but we can start now. I encourage you to join me in prayer for justice in our land and continuance of freedom.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Our friends, Jim and Linda, accompanied us to Golden Corral for lunch yesterday. I'm not sure we can classify a meal at GC, a lunch. There is enough food at that restaurant any time to consider a meal "dinner". I didn't eat the rest of the day. While we were riding there, Linda took my hanky and showed me how to make the baby or babies in a cradle. She commented that she didn't know if kids today would get any enjoyment from that since they are entertained with such high tech stuff these days. I told her I have two little grandaughters in Michigan that I thought would enjoy having their Grandma make cradles for them while sitting in church. We will have to go to visit them soon so I can try it out.
I got two responses to my cousin reunion invitation over the weekend. One is negative and one positive. The negative response was from an arm of the family from which we have no takers as yet. I hope some of that family's kids come. The positive response was from the wife of an older cousin of mine that lives about twenty miles from here. So far, things look pretty fair. So far, there are about seventeen people coming. I have fifteen cousins on that side of the family so the numbers coming are pretty good.
My blog is late today because I was interrupted by the doorbell, visited with the visitor and forgot that I was in the middle of things on this blog. Soon it was time to take my friend to the dentist for an extraction. I was her cheerleader. I don't like the dentist anymore than she does. The news is good though, she lived.
It was while I was twenty five miles away that I remember two unfinished things; one was this blog, the other was that I forgot to shut off my lights. My last car had lights that automatically shut down after the car stopped. They told me that this car doesn't have that feature so I've been trying hard to remember to turn off the lights. Today it was dark even though it was daylight so I turned them on when I traveled to the house of my friend. When I got there, I transferred my stuff and rode in her car. So, while traveling, I mentioned that I thought perhaps I had forgotten to turn my lights off. My friend confirmed my fear by telling me she had noticed they were still on when we left the driveway. So for a couple of hours I wondered if I would find a dead car when we returned to her home. For whatever reason, the button was on, the lights off and the car started easily. Praise the Lord for small things in life. Now I'm wondering if that car really does have that feature and that it is just set for a longer period of time than the lights on my old vehicle. Gonna have to check that out.
I got two responses to my cousin reunion invitation over the weekend. One is negative and one positive. The negative response was from an arm of the family from which we have no takers as yet. I hope some of that family's kids come. The positive response was from the wife of an older cousin of mine that lives about twenty miles from here. So far, things look pretty fair. So far, there are about seventeen people coming. I have fifteen cousins on that side of the family so the numbers coming are pretty good.
My blog is late today because I was interrupted by the doorbell, visited with the visitor and forgot that I was in the middle of things on this blog. Soon it was time to take my friend to the dentist for an extraction. I was her cheerleader. I don't like the dentist anymore than she does. The news is good though, she lived.
It was while I was twenty five miles away that I remember two unfinished things; one was this blog, the other was that I forgot to shut off my lights. My last car had lights that automatically shut down after the car stopped. They told me that this car doesn't have that feature so I've been trying hard to remember to turn off the lights. Today it was dark even though it was daylight so I turned them on when I traveled to the house of my friend. When I got there, I transferred my stuff and rode in her car. So, while traveling, I mentioned that I thought perhaps I had forgotten to turn my lights off. My friend confirmed my fear by telling me she had noticed they were still on when we left the driveway. So for a couple of hours I wondered if I would find a dead car when we returned to her home. For whatever reason, the button was on, the lights off and the car started easily. Praise the Lord for small things in life. Now I'm wondering if that car really does have that feature and that it is just set for a longer period of time than the lights on my old vehicle. Gonna have to check that out.
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