Sunday, April 8, 2007

A New Day in a New Way

Easter Sunday morning. Five A.M. The sky is lightening to usher in a new day. My heart is lightened also to usher in new life from the old. Most of us recognize that we carry within us a rebellion. That feeling of rebellion is sin. It causes us to act in the most insane ways some times. I'm not talking about known murderers or thieves, I"m talking about each one of us. Which of us hasn't lied? Which of us hasn't murdered another with our angry and hateful words? Which of us has taken something that didn't belong to us? Yes, I say with conviction that there is none alive that is innocent of sin. That is what the Bible tells us is true. Paul tells us that "all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory". But Easter morning, oh, Easter morning. Easter morning says our debt is paid in full through the blood that Christ shed on the cross for the sin of the WHOLE world. That would include you and me. I rejoice today that the nature I have innate has been made right by the sacrifice that Jesus made for me. Through Him, I stand white as snow before the Father God. Because I accept that fact through faith, I will walk with God through eternity in heaven. I truly hope and pray that anyone that may read this can attest to the same. If you can't, please write me and I will be happy to work through that with you.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

your blog is looking good!!