Friday, April 13, 2007

Be Still and Eat Chicken

It's amazing how quickly time can get away from one. At least five days and I haven't gotten to this blog thing at all. My week has been crazy busy at work. Perhaps it is more than busy-ness. Maybe it is just that I've felt uninspired. Sometimes I lie in bed at night and think of all the things I would like to shout from the roof tops but lately, there is a silence, a calm, a peace. That may be uninspiring for others but it is very good for me. The Bible verse that says, "Be still, and know that I am God" is very real to me right now. Sometimes the rush of adreneline must slow to a crawl in order for us to be still. Sometimes, the inside thrust we feel needs to be put on hold. This week I've tried to get to bed on time, tried to eat right, (not always successfully, too much amaretto chocolate cake left from Easter) read a good book, and tried to keep my thoughts pure as Phillipians 4 talks about. Last night my husband and I went to the semi annual chicken dinner at the Christian school where I went as a child, where our children attended and now five of our grandchildren attend. Those chicken dinners have been happening for as many years as I can remember. I know they were already a yearly event when our older children were in the lower grades so we are talking about a thirty to thirty five year old history. The dinners make a good profit for the designated need and also serve to give us all a social night out where we see people we haven't seen for a time. The chicken is good also, though my son-in-law doesn't like it. We chuckle at his lack of enthusiasm. These school dinners are part of our family history and we wouldn't dare criticize the chicken. Elton doesn't have the historic sentiment attached to these events so he has freedom to express himself. The broasted potatoes and cole slaw that accompanies the chicken makes for a great dinner. I'm not a meat eater but I ate a small piece of breast meat and thoroughly enjoyed it. Events that become family traditions hold good and precious memories.

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