Friday, April 20, 2007

Praise God for Fridays

Yesterday, I worked a half day and spent the rest of the day traveling to Algonquin, Il to spend the evening attending my teacher daughter's fifth grade musical. The last time I attended one of her programs, I left work at 3:15. By the time I reached the city, the rush hour was in full blown chaos. It took me four hours to get to my destination arriving fifteen minutes before the program began. I normally spend the night there and leave very early in the morning to arrive to work by 7:30 a.m. Last night, I decided to come back after the program so I could sleep in my own bed and not have to worry about oversleeping and getting late to work. Beside oversleeping, anything can happen in the Chicago traffic to make one late. Last night, I managed to stay awake without much difficulty and arrived home about 11:15 p.m.. It was good to go and good to return.
Fifth graders are mysteries. One moment they are compliant and wishing to please and the next they are grown up and rebellious. Kendra had been having some difficulty keeping them inspired for this musical. She was concerned about how well they would perform. She needn't have concerned herself because they pulled out all the stops and gave a delightful performance of Granny Awards. I was engaged from start to finish and enjoyed it very much. Tonight we will attend our grandaughter's musical here in our hometown. The junior high is doing "Aladdin". It's my job to go early and save seats in the front for the rest of the family. I have had something to attend each evening this week and quite frankly, I'm looking forward to a bit of rest this weekend. Praise God it is Friday!

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