Tuesday, August 7, 2007

At The Jolly's

The sound in our ears is that of the pitter patter of rain on the alumminum car canopy outside the front door of our friend's home. As we sat out under that canopy, Ken said, "My dad would love this". Ken's dad loved to sit outdoors watching it rain. He died at the age of 65, just six months after my mother died. Our kids thought their lives were in chaos as they lost two grandparents in six months. They were still in grade school, so were quite young to experience the losses. I muse sometimes about how much Ken's father would have enjoyed our family. Ken was an only child so his parents weren't used to such a sizeable clan as ours. Grandpa got to see four of our eight kids and his buttons popped when he spoke of them. Ken and I discussed under the canopy that we wish his father could have lived to enjoy the pleasure of our kids and grandkids for a longer time. I'm not sure he could have survived the stress of many years of struggle but he certainly would have been pleased at this point. We are so blessed to have kids that we can be proud to have parented.

We slept well last night in the bed of our friends. The day is now ahead of us and we wonder how we will spend it. I suggested we seek out a Red Robin restaurant today. Wilma loves hamburgers and I think she would enjoy the experience. She seemed up to that. My heart just grieves when I see the suffering she is experiencing. She doesn't move without pain. I hear her sighing often and it is one of those sighs that says without words that she isn't less than comfortable. Poor soul. Her husband is indeed her helper and is so patient and kind with her. His care for her is a blessing to witness and a good example for us and anyone.

Wilma mentioned she was going to try to get in to see her chiropractor today. She suggested Ken and I doing our own thing for awhile or else I could take her and let the guys just hang out. I told her I thought it would be good if we would give Leroy a break. I am more than happy to take her and that would give the girls as well as the guys time alone.

One of the things we have come to expect each morning we are with the Jolly's is the sound of Leroy's voice in prayer. He sits at his computer and writes out his prayers even as he speaks them. I told Ken this morning that Leroy was praying for everything one could think of. Ken said, "And even things other people wouldn't think of". He is a dear man of God who takes prayer as a serious discipline. Any one on Leroy's prayer list has to be blessed.

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