Monday, August 6, 2007

It's All About "We"

I woke early today. Had to make hay while the sun was shining. We were to leave for Michigan around 9 o'clock. I had two beds to clean the sheets and remake and plenty of other stuff I hadn't done while Kendra was home. We spent most of the week playing. It is good to play once in awhile. I think I've done more than my share of playing this summer but then it seems every summer is spent doing many very enjoyable things.

Last night we had tornado warnings in our area. I think our kids were more concerned than we were. We got a couple of calls from kids far away who heard that neighboring counties were under a warning. One of our little Michigan grandaughters called. As soon as she answered I knew who it was because her little sister was yelling, "I want to talk". Anna wanted me to know there were warnings of bad storms in our area and she wanted us to be safe. Her dad spoke with me then and told me that on the way home from church last evening, Anna said, "We don't get to see Grandpa and Grandma much anymore." She is so right. Their family is super busy and so are we and so the two rarely meet. Fairly sad. But surprises are always nice and we had a surprise today. We hadn't thought about our trip to Flint would bring us within two miles of Anna and her family. We called about a half hour out and said we would be stopping for hugs and kisses on our way through. The little girls were standing with expectation in the picture window when we arrived. We spent about a half an hour with our son and four of his five children. Mommy was gone to a doctor's appointment. We had such a sweet few moments with them. We decided that we will pick up at least three of the kids on the way back on
Wednesday so they can spend more than the one day Dad and Mom can be in town. They plan to come on Saturday but this way the kids will get more time to play with the cousins they don't see often. Anna looked at our new to us van and asked, "Grandma, why did you get a van?" I answered that I thought it was probably to haul around our grandkids. She liked that idea.

We arrived at our friends around four o'clock. We were delighted to see precious people we had lived next door to around forty years ago. They are in their eighties now and Wilma suffers from a great deal of pain due to arthritis and back problems. It hurts to see her hurt. God send his grace to help her in her time of need. We enjoyed a meal in a nearby restaurant and then went home for cake and ice cream. Now we just enjoy the visit.

Life is all about relationship, isn't it? Today the relationship began with my relationship with my husband when we got up together and began to share the day. Then it was time to nurture relationship with my heavenly Father. Then we shared life with John and the kids and also our friends here. These are the relationships that will carry on through eternity. It is of prime importance to me.

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