Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One Day At a Time

With a new morning comes new mercies and God's faithfulness. What a comfort that is. This morning I am going to a friend of my daughter, Lauri, and teach the younger set how to make scones. Noone taught me, I looked a recipe and did it. But I guess there are some tricks I have learned over the years and perhaps I can pass those along so they don't have to learn from mistakes as I did. Our goal is to make fifty scones. That is a piece of cake compared to the six or seven hundred we do for our women's retreat each year.

After the morning, I plan to take the afternoon easy. Yesterday was a big day and I was spent by the end of it. In addition to cooking dinner, the house had to be cleaned up and things made presentable for company. The dinner was a success. It was good to meet Lynette's grandmother. She is a dear woman of Hispanic decent, accent and all. She was born in Texas and reminded me that Texas belonged to Mexico at one time. I had to smile at that. It was very clear that Grandma loves Lynette very much. She said even though Lynette has only lived here a year, it feels like five years to her. She misses her very much.

Aren't you glad our bodies and minds rejuvinate over a good night's sleep? I feel better this morning but wouldn't mind at all if I didn't have to leave the house today. I will learn over time to schedule my activities so that I have a day in between. Now, I am really sounding old, uh? Just trying to get smarter.

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