Friday, December 28, 2007

Florida and kids

The first day of festivities in southern Florida. We arrived here yesterday and spent the evening with my sister and her husband. Jann has had two new houses in the last years and this is the first one we have seen. She and Jack live in a lovely spacious home with a bent of Florida. Nearly all the floors are big tiles which makes pushing Jack's wheelchair a piece of cake. I'm so happy for her that their home is so condusive to his needs and as a result hers as well.

Today we got to Jay's house about noon. John and Kim and their family were already there as they are staying at that house and it was soon before the rest of the gang showed up. There were hugs and kisses all around and it sook no time at all for the cousins to have become reacquainted and comfortable with one another. Soon there were football games being played, kids in the pool, adults and kids in the boat or on a skiddo. Some how Jay and Tasha managed to feed all twenty five of us two times today. Noon we inhaled hamburgers and hotdogs. For dinner the girls got their heads together and made two big tubs of spaghetti and meat sauce. Topped off with a big box of Texas toast, the meal was complete.

I took tons of pictures today and hope Jay will put the on a link again like he did this summer with the Bears pictures. I feel totally sunburned and expect to notice a difference in the color of my skin by tomorrow. Imagine me complaining about that. It was an absolutely beautiful day. The temperature was right around 85:)

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