Monday, February 4, 2008

Rain, Snow and Fog, the Order of the Day

The weather has certainly been interesting the last few days. First we had the heavy snowfall of Thursday. Then once everyone had dug themselves out of that fix, we had another few inches last night. I know because I spent the time listening to bobcats pushing snow on the streets in this subdivision and those smaller machines used to clean the driveways here. On and on it went with the engine noises. I was sure the place would be cleaned up by morning and it was. The only real evidence of how much snow came down was the amount on my car. A couple of inches is my estimate. Then when I was sitting by the windows holding a two week baby in my arms, lightening flashed through the glass and thunderous noise followed. Now it appears to be extremely foggy. Can't say that the weather is boring. The weather lady on television promised the next few days will be interesting also. Oh, you gotta love winter.

My family at home is sick; Ken is sneezing and coughing, Scarlen has a cold and Isaiah has a sore throat. I don't think I want to go there. My advice to them on the phone was to get yourselves well and THEN I'll come home. I've been gone too long, albiet necessary. Our scheduling was found lacking but that wasn't all our plan. God has His way with us. Kendra's baby coming five weeks early really rearranged everyone's life. The only thing that has suffered is my involvement with the retreat. The plan is to be home for Friday's scone making marathon. Last year we made 750 scones in one day. We make the dough, shape it and put it in the freezer to be used on February 23rd. It is quite a work of love but worth it. After Friday, I can get back into the swing of things there.

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