Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday, the Fourteenth

They are off.....Kendra and Emerson that is.....they left about fifteen minutes ago. I felt a bit of a tear emerge as I held that little one shortly before departure time. I know I'll see her soon, but two hours plus is too far away. I know I must be grateful it isn't farther...many of our grandchildren are much farther away. Perhaps that is just why I mourn the distance and inability to see her daily or several times a week. We aren't experiencing the arrival of grandchildren as often anymore. Most of our children have completed their families so a new baby is a special treat. We have five grandchildren within a couple of miles and that is a cherished thing. I have always said that I couldn't keep up with life if all eighteen of them lived here. I wouldn't mind trying though.

It is another springlike day and the sunshine and milder temperatures are so welcomed. It should be in the high fifties today.

A gal from church just rang the doorbell. She talked with me at Bible study on Wednesday and asked if I had a fondue pot. When I said I did, she said, "I just knew it. I thought about who may have been fonduing it during the seventies and I thought of you". I had to dig to find where I was hiding that pot but I did find it and also found an electric one that I have gathered since that time via a garage sale. She was happy with my contribution and said she is having some girls over tonight. What fun. My kids love fonduing...reminds me that I'll have to do that again sometime soon.

Tomorrow, a lifetime friend and I will attend a prayer event in Dyer, IN. I don't get to spend time with this friend often so the opportunity is full of expectation. I'll meet her at a truck stop and we will ride together. I'm looking forward to a great day; one enjoying my friend and the other; enjoying my Friend.

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