Thursday, March 20, 2008

Patty's Baby

A beautiful spring sunshine is coming through my south windows. It begs me to go outside but I'm quite sure the brightness of the sun does not relate to warm temperatures. I don't think we are out of this winter woods yet. The line in "The Lion Witch and the Wardrobe" which says, "it is always winter and never Christmas" is one of my favorites. That is how life is for a person that doesn't know the joy and peace of Jesus. That C.S. Lewis guy was something of a genius the way he weaved the truth of God's story into fiction. I love it and see there is another movie coming out based on that series. Anyone who knows me is aware that I would much rather read a story than watch a story on the screen, but I just may accompany some of my grandchildren to the new movie. That's not a promise, however.

Today began with tremendous news. A friend of one of my daughters has had fertility problems for close to twenty years. She and her husband have three beautiful daughters, one fourteen and twins six years old. Patty had to have help getting pregnant with those two pregnancies. About nine months ago she began to have strange sensations only to learn that at 41 years old, she was surprisingly pregnant. No big effort through fertility doctors, just God's blessing of conception. It was quite a shock for this couple but they accepted this baby as a gift of God. Another strange thing was that Patty always had her babies early. This time that was not the case. She sat in our Bible Study yesterday on her due date. That in itself it beyond human understanding. I saw my daughter mouth to her over the table yesterday, "Are you having any contractions?" and Patty shook her head afirmitively. I smiled and told myself to be patient, God will bring her into labor at his appointed time. Yesterday afternoon, her doctor put her in the hospital due to high blood pressure. This morning, Patty and her husband and family were blessed with a healthy little boy! We are ecstatic for them. Lauri said Patty told her that God had answered everyone of her prayers concerning the details of this birth. All of us who know this dear family rejoice with them and thank God for safe delivery. Lauri and I are going to meet the little guy this afternoon and to give friend Patty a big hug. It is so great to rejoice with those that rejoice.

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