Friday, April 25, 2008

A Love That Will Not Let Them Go

Wind...we have plenty of it today and I feel it in my bones that the wind is going to bring up a humdinger of a storm. I don't like wind very much....a breeze is pleasant but wind is noisy, distractive and interuptive. The howl gets to me. One certainly can't complain about the temperature which is at 79 degrees. It delighted me to find a weather element to add to the blog page. That is more for me than for the reader because why would a reader care what temperature it is here? For tells me exactly what the conditions are out there and I like that very much.

Our daughter, Scarlen and son Isaiah just came in the door. Scarlen had picked him up from school. With all the windows open, eavesdropping on their conversation came without effort. Yesterday, Scarlen teased Isaiah that Grandpa and Grandma were kicking him out to the camping trailer. They were discussing this again just now coming up the walk and Scarlen was assuring him that she was only teasing him. He said, "Well, that happens to people sometimes, you know." Back to him as they came through the door, Scarlen replied, "I'm still here, aren't I? Grandma and Grandpa haven't kicked me out yet, have they?" I couldn't resist...I yelled, "No, but we are working on it." Then an argument began over which of them we would kick out first and whom we loved the most. It was one of those silly discussions family members enjoy. I enjoyed it because they didn't know I was listening at first.

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