Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An Open Canvas

Another gloomy morning....the sky didn't clear yesterday until two o'clock...perhaps the same today. I won't have to worry about getting water to the flowers, they have had enough already today.

I have no plans for today at this point. An open canvas. What will God paint on it today? I'll run to Curves at a bit after seven o'clock. I love being there at that time because noone else is there and I have the place by myself. One of the workers asked if I didn't want to come at a different time so I'd have some company. I told her, "Honey, I don't need Curves to add to my social life...I need Curves for the obvious and I'll be happy to grind at it by myself." Usually by the time I'm half finished, a couple gals come in. One of them was a few years ahead of me in high school so I know her some. She wants me to bring plants this morning. I have tons of day lilies I dug up from around that tree we fell so am happy to find a taker.

Which reminds me that I should get my shower and get those plants wrapped in newspaper. Seven o'clock will come very soon.

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