Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Home Hot Home

Lazy day......we arrived home around midnight......don't have much spunk today. I visited my parents and daughter and children this morning. The rest of the day has been spent snoozing and reading. Not much into anything today. Hopefully, energy will resume tomorrow and I can tackle a yard much in need of everything....weeding, watering, trimming....etc. I couldn't believe that some weeds had outgrown the very plants they were trying to overtake. Our lawn looks like it is dead. Coming home from vacation in the middle of the summer is always trying. I will say that Lynette, with whom the future of my potted plants was left, did a good job of keeping those watered. She said they had gotten no rain at all and depended on her watering. They have grown tremendously. Just before we departed, I broke a stem and leaflet off a potted plant, stuck it in a glass of water and hoped to see progress when I returned. The bottom of that little stem is full of roots and ready to be planted in its own pot. Fun how that happens..

The heat here is oppressive. I would take the dry Arizona summer heat any day of the week compared to this humid sizzling air. I had better get over it, though, since this is the place of my home and family. My daughter told me that this weekend is to be the hottest of the year here in northwest Indiana. Oh, great....

Yesterday we filled up our tank with gas the price of anywhere from 3.69 to 3.51. Funny how as soon as we drove over into Illinois, the price shot up thirty five cents or more. What have we done to deserve such high prices in comparison to what they pay in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas? While that is an embittered thought, I just don't understand.

I sound like a grumpy old woman today. Heat, humidity, weeds, dried up lawn, and high gas prices will do that to one. Isn't it fun coming home from vacation? I told you I wasn't in any hurry.

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