Monday, August 11, 2008

Random Thoughts

Some eclectic thoughts today.

1. Go USA!!!!!! The Olympics have entertained this household of eight all weekend. We love to watch as each athlete brings to the world their hopes, dreams and best effort. Our first thrill was the basketball win....USA over China. We watched with baited breath as the girl's gymnastic team had their highs and lows. But nothing about the Olympics could match the thrill of winning the 400 meter relay race over the French. We read in the newspaper yesterday morning and then heard commentators report that one of the men on the French team had said the reason they came to the Olympics was to SMASH the Americans. Don't tell an American such a thing. A better challenge can not be created. At the beginning of the last leg of the race, our man was nearly a body length behind.....the broadcaster said, "I don't see how it's possible for the USA to overtake them now". With that, the tide changed before our very eyes when Jason Lezak propelled himself to the finish just fractions of a second ahead of the French team member. Sweeeeeet!

2. Our pastor preached on the differnce between believing faith and saving faith yesterday morning. It was one of those sermons that causes one to reevaluate one's position in the family of God. Do I really have saving faith? I don't always feel like Jesus is the focus of my life though I know that He is. Kind of has to do with those emotions I spoke of the other day. Can't trust 'em. Some times, I can FEEL so very close to God and then there are times.....even long periods of time......when I don't feel that closeness. Even though the pastor was speaking truth from the Word, my guess is that he will hear from a few members of his flock this week. If the sermon was troubling to who has been in the family of God since a child....then I am sure it was troubling to some that are recent believers.

3. Craig, Kendra and Emerson will leave for their home today. We have enjoyed having them. That baby is just a cutie and at seven months is developing her own little personality. Good as gold.......I don't recall having a baby that gives less trouble. We went to Lauri's and Elton's last evening after church. They had been camping for the weekend so it was their chance to see C,K and E. On our way home, Isaiah asked Kendra when they were going home.....she replied it would be tomorrow (which is today). He groaned and said, "So I suppose we won't see you for another month." Kendra said it would probably be longer since she is going back to teaching when school starts. Isaiah expressed my sentiments precisely. I didn't need to say a word......I just sat in the front seat and smiled.

4. The Bible trivia game took a turn yesterday. Kendra got out the book before dinner and memorized all the answers so that she could give Isaiah a run for his money. It was pretty hilarious as all eight of us sat around the table listening to Kendra answer before I finished giving the question. It didn't take long before Isaiah smelled a rat and figured out her cheating. A little levity in life.

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