Friday, September 26, 2008

My Sis

Yesterday was going along as usual. I had some errands to run......while I was out, Ken called that my sister, Jann, had been taken to the hospital the night before by ambulance with chest pains. My sister is fifty eight years old and too young for such things. When I called her daughter I learned that an angiogram had been done and they found a hole in the right side of her heart which was affecting the function of her lungs. Later in the day, I got to speak with Jann who informed me that she would be having open heart surgery this morning (Friday). That was quite a shocker and probably she was most shocked of all.

My sister's husband requires twenty four hour care and she is his care giver. It so happens that husband Jack was in the hospital for routine tests. He will be released today to a rehab center. I know that her responsibility to her husband is more on her mind than her own physical condition. She is just that way. My sister always acts so brave on the outside but she is marshmallow on the inside. My heart wrenched at the thought that aside from her daughter and some close friends she had no one living close enough to be of comfort. As the big sister, I feel a great need to be with my baby sister. Even though many miles separate us, the bond of siblings is very close.

Ken and I talked about my going there and Lauri got on the computer and found me a reasonable trip. I will be leaving tomorrow to spend a few days with her to help her come back from what will be a jog in her road.

Today is our long awaited day trip for our women's retreat team. We are going to Long Grove, Illinois which supposedly will offer us many fun things to look at and enjoy. It was to be a highlight for all of us but my heart will be in Florida most of the day. I hope I will hear good news soon and can enjoy the rest of my day knowing I will be at her side soon.

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