Monday, September 29, 2008

Successful and Healing

The good news is that my sister is doing very well. She inherited my father's spunk and determination. She looked good when I saw her yesterday and looked even better by evening. She sighs when she thinks of what she has been through. Who would have thunk it? The hole in her heart was an inch and a half big. We saw some very vivid pictures of the before and after. They put a "bovine patch" over the hole and one could see tiny little stiches all the way around the patch. Amazing what can be done. I was pondering that fifty years ago she would have had to live a different life because these modern medical procedures were not so developed. I praise God for His care and healing for her.

I am staying with my niece, Tricia. It is good to get to know her as an adult. We have been talking non stop since I got here last evening. She has had a horrible week with all that has gone on with her mother and then the death of one of her precious dogs on Saturday. Poor thing.

Our son, Jay and his wife, Tasha and two children met me at the airport on Saturday evening. It was so good to see them. I spent the night in their home and enjoyed interacting with those grandchildren. They were delightful. I have lots of pics and will download them when I return home on Thursday.

Jann is to be released today or tomorrow. She is hoping it will be today. Can't imagine having your whole chest cavity ripped open on Friday and come home on Monday. We aren't counting our chickens yet though. She had a bit of anemia they want to explore first. If that proves okay, we will take her home today. It will be a delight.

I'm seeing the Florida sun for the first time this morning. Yesterday was a very overcast day and rainy. I'm on the patio at Tricia's at the moment and the humidity is very high. Tropical to the max. In payment for that is the wonderful foliage and flowers. I'm enjoying it all.

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