Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After Christmas

Christmas 2009 has come and gone. Just like that. This year, I barely noticed it. I didn't shop the whole month of December. I think I went with Lauri sometime soon after Thanksgiving Day and that is the last time I've been in a store. I could have cared less. I think that I have said before in this space that the economic down turn gave me total permission to cut back and remember that less is more. When I look at my bulging closet, I am ashamed. Such ridiculousness to have all that clothes. When I get a chance, I must clean that out. There isn't another pretty thing that I need or desire. Is there something any of us really needed? We got a couple of boxes from our Florida son the other day. One had my name and one had Ken's. Ken's was a navigation device. Now he really needed that. Naw, but he will put that to good use, it is true. Last summer we used a friend's while we traveled to the southwest. It was really handy. Isaiah was with us and had it figured out in minutes, I'm not sure if we would have figured it out at all. In my box was a portable hard drive. Now I'm not sure I know exactly what to do with that but my kids assure me I will figure it out and that I will really like it. Very nice gifts indeed. We were grateful.

Christmas eve and most of Christmas day were quiet for us. Christmas morning we watched Isaiah open his gifts. From our daughter, her friend that also lives here and Isaiah we received a portable cooler that plugs into the power source in the car. Pretty clever. Then the familiy went off to church. Later we went to our daughter, Lauri and Elton's house for dinner around four o'clock. We had a delicious Christmas meal. We also got to witness all the kid's loot. Every grandchild came to us to display the latest acquirement. They were excited as well they should be. They, too, are tremendously blessed.

I still know nothing about my test results. On Monday we were told they would need a day or two. Wellllllll, it is long past that. I can think of two options. One would be that whatever the tests show it doesn't require an emergency treatment or I could believe that doctors take holidays and the days prior and after off and don't really care what happens to their patients. When we learned this morning that it will be Monday before we learn anything I threw my hands up and said, "Well, Lord, I guess you have a few more days to heal me before I go in to see the specialist". I am feeling some better so that makes life a bit more pleasant. Still the unknown is a factor. Continue to pray that God is restoring my health to the law of health he placed in me at birth. Jesus is the best specialist in any field.

A friend just called to tell me about a sale she found at Walmart. Yes, normally, I would be out there pounding the pavement, too. In fact, this is the friend that I almost had to beg to go shopping on Black Friday last year. She found the crowds so intimidating. Her peach of a husband came along. We had a system down. We would go around and gather what we wanted to purchase and then bring it to him who was already standing in the mile long line. As the line inched ahead, he would kind of push the merchandise along. By the time we were finished shopping a particular store, Jim was fairly close to the head of the line. What a patient man. Makes me laugh all over again to envision that scene. We certainly had a good time. Friends are the best. We are blessed with many of them.

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