Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dreaming of the Sunny South

Not sure what happened to the forecast for snow....we didn't get any and the sun is shining brightly. The furnace has been running like crazy so the sunshine is belying the temperature. I hear it was in the teens this morning. I'll stay tucked in today as long as I can do it.

It is this time of year I ask the question, "Why did my ancestors decide to settle in the cold north?" I can hear them fuss at me and remind me that I'm from tough Dutch stock and a little cold never hurt anyone. Well, I hate it. One of my best friends is on her way to the south of Texas where she and her husband enjoy an escape from this kind of weather. I'm envious. I hope one day, Ken and I can stay in the south long enough to escape the cold also. So far, the best we can do is three to four weeks and while I'm delighted with that, all winter would be oh so nice. We are so fortunate that our daughter and her husband and kids live in Phoenix. That gives us a perfect excuse and also a wonderful place to park our Peggy Sue. This will be our first time to stay in the trailer. Last winter, we pulled it from Memphis to Phoenix to have warm weather in which to work on her. She has been "worked on " ever sense. The lady that we hired to do the seamstress work ended up having serious surgery mid task so all the cushion covering and curtains are not totally complete. I'm hoping she will have most of it complete by the time we leave. What is finished looks very nice so we have an idea of what it will look like totally complete. Can't wait.

I'll spend the day dreaming about sitting outside of Peggy Sue in Phoenix soaking in the warm rays.

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