Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Pretty Winnter Day is a pretty day.... at least looking out the window. I heard it is supposed to be a bit warmer today. I think Ken has anticipation of getting the Durango washed today. The true color is silver gray but it looks a drab white with the cover of salt all over it.

I have a yen to take a ride south and go until we see earth without a white cover. I don't think it will happen since I have no real agenda but I would love to get out of here. In due time. I talked with my dad last night and he said that this morning was supposed to be their lowest temperature in Florida this winter. Yikes. I think of our friends, John and Jan, who left the area and went south to get some warm weather. I hope they didn't go Florida way. This winter reminds me of the quote in Narnia that says, "it is always winter and never Christmas". When winter hangs on like it is doing this year, it is time to make a change. Lauri and Kendra and I all decided we would consider moving to Phoenix. I used to gringe at that thought, but I can't say it would bother me in the least. I would most concern myself over my dad and a few of our kids that would remain here, but they would be invited to join us. It's nice to dream, eh?

I understand Obama and his chief justice finally got the oath right on their second try last night. While that was happening it was very obvious to me that the justice had messed up the words and had thrown Obama off. It was kind of an embarrassment for both of them. Even in such a highly governmental affair, some things do go awry. Practice makes perfect but the truth stands, none of us is perfect.

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