Sunday, July 26, 2009

Slow Sunday

Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs are a half game ahead of the pack and are now in first place. That makes MOST of my family really happy. There is one in law and his wife, our daughter who is a traitor to the Sox but oh well. It's the majority that counts.

Finally after many years of sheer frustration, Dish came and fixed the TV in the sunroom. I have had a non working remote so had to get up each time a show was over, go into another room and check the guide to see what my choices were. Ugh. Now that Ken has been through this with me from time to time since I've been sick, something was done! Hurrah. I now have a beautiful picture and great remote. I'm thankful.

I've pretty much rested today. It was a VERY busy week. Ken went to church and I took in The Hour of Power. I enjoyed the preaching pastor very much. The music has been better to my liking but there is something about an orchestra to lead congregational singing. I wonder where the closest church is that would worship with orchestra. My guess is that it isn't very close. That truly is my heart though, and I think it brings the level of praise and worship to a higher level. Just my personal opinion but also the expression of my heart. Los Angeles would be a long way to travel to church each week.

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