Thursday, August 13, 2009

Project Stress

Well, today was installation day. Yep, the new light over our dining table is in place and looks great. I'm very impressed and now all the more eager to get the matching entry light. All did not go particularly smoothly. I shared my desire to have the light hang over the MIDDLe of the table. Seemed reasonable to me. My husband didn't take so kindly to it. It was a bigger mountain in his head than it actually turned out to be. When I was young, I would have fought for my way. No more. I simply said, If you are satisfied with the light where it is, go ahead and put it up the same way. I truly gave it up. I had no idea how the thing would turn out. When it was far enough along to see what he was doing, I realized he had finally understood my point, and realiszed it simply needed another hook in the ceiling. I think he is more pleased as well.

Then there were two toliet seats that needed to be replaced. I had expressed I wanted a soft seat. He thought it was ridiculous. He doesn't know how it feels to sit on a hard seat with a bony butt. Since the payment came out of my account, he didn't fight it. Yea, seperate accounts. There are reasons. Even if no one else understands, we both understand and prefer it that way.

Projects usually give cause for pause at our house. Let me go on record as saying, I love the man with my whole heart and truly do understand him more and more. He is God's blessed gift to me.

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