Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Satifying Evening

Okay, I'll get in here early today. How's that?
Our night at the Lagestee's was stupendous as usual. The hosts meet the guests at the door of this four stories of colonial beauty. Their grandchildren with smiles wide take the coats. The coats are put on numbered tables. Makes for a very organized method of obtaining one's coat at the end of the evening. The house is decorated to the nines for the holiday season. Everywhere one looks is another Christmas tree or another exquisite touch of garland or some other flick of the Christmas decorator's wand. Delightful. I guess most of us can only dream of being able to put on such an affair, but I'm grateful we are two of those who benefit.

The first order of business is to make out a name tag and sign one's name to the list of attendees. That makes sure of getting an invitation next year. The hostess told us they have had carol sings for twenty five years. I don't know how long they have hosted three in a week but this occasion is a great effort and one for which the attendees should remember to thank them for. We could make a choice of three different wines or many different sodas and then make our way to the music hall. A booklet of traditional carols lay on each of the chairs as we made our choice of seats. We were about a half an hour early. I was a bit embarrassed about that. When the man parking the cars parked us right next to the front sidewalk, I knew we were really early. Being early gave us the opportunity to choose the best seats in the house. I felt very smug being able to sit where I could see all the participants and the guests that steadily came into the room. We had not attended on the first night of sings before. What we found was that Tuesday night is the older crowd for obvious reasons. It isn't as busy which makes for getting around much easier. We enjoyed that benefit as well.

After the sing, everyone goes to the lower level to enjoy appetizers and soda. It is the time to talk with other guests. One of the ladies that sang a solo during the sing looked so familiar to me. I knew I had seen that face before. Later, I realized it was a face I remembered from attending my husband's home church before we were married. She had dated and married one of his high school friends. It seemed so weird to recall that young face in a face of a retired person. I chatted with her awhile and enjoyed "catching up" with her life. Ken and I decided it had been about thirty years since we last saw that couple.

Today? Normally this is Bible study morning but we were given two weeks off for Thanksgiving. Not sure why that was, but I wish it wasn't so. I will miss going this morning. Ken is going golfing today and figures it will be the last time until spring. I figure one has to be a die hard to golf when it is this cold. I'm not sure what the temp is this morning but last night after the program when we entered the car it was 24 degrees. I probably wouldn't have noticed but our daughter from Phoenix called us at that point and commented that it was cold there yesterday. I asked what the temp was and she said "in the seventies". Ha. That was when I looked at our outside temperture gauge. When I told her the current temperature, she decided not to complain.

So, what will I do today? Not sure. There are always things one could do. I could make cookies for a cookie exchange coming up soon. Or I could finish putting ribbon on my Christmas cards. That is really a two man project though. Somebody has to be there to put there finger on the knot as I tie the bow. Guess that won't work. I could make blankets out of some flannel I have purchased for a certain baby girl we expect in February. I could work on Women's Retreat stuff. That is something that is getting more and more important as the months tick off. Ah. Something will come to me that will make my day productive.

Hope yours is productive in whatever you do. Remember, Smile and the world smiles with you; frown and you frown alone.

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