Friday, April 11, 2008

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, on the tenth, our Isaiah turned twelve. The last number before we call him a teen, I suppose we could call him a tween at this point. I started his day with six pieces of bacon, three fried eggs and two pieces of toast. For dinner we ate together AGAIN, unusual....and had a wonderful hot meal. We are celebrating with the other family in town on Sunday afternoon. Tonight Isaiah's best friend is coming to spend the night. The celebrating goes on.

Tomorrow, my brothers and their wives are coming for dinner to celebrate my dad's 88th birthday. One of my brothers lives in Wisconsin so it is always a treat when they come to De Motte to visit us. My sister lives in Florida so doesn't make it here unless it is a really special occasion. I know she celebrated with them before they came back. Yesterday, when I visited my dad, he said when he left Florida, people would say, "see ya next year". He smiled big and said that he replied, "The Lord willing".

We put the closet back together...FINALLY...why does every project here have to linger on for days, weeks or months? I did find some things I could part with and made room for Ken to have a couple of shelves for his business stuff for which he couldn't find an appropriate spot. I thought about the ability I have to put the stuff back and bring order to the closet. The other day I talked about the sin in me and how my closets of sin need cleaning out now and then, too. When I put the stuff back in the closet, it felt good because order was again restored. But when I clean out my sin closet.....there is only one thing I wish to fill the emptiness. In fact, I don't even have the power to fill that spot with what I want there. Obviously, I want the Spirit of the Living God to fill that vacuum in me. When He does that, my whole life is put in an orderly and productive fashion. That's a cleaning we need on a daily basis, uh?

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