Thursday, May 15, 2008

Personal Mission Statements Come in Handy

I know...I didn't blog yesterday and am late today...what can I say....I can say that using someone else's computer is always a pain in the neck just like using another's stove or hair curler or or knows their own and finds it easy to operate what one knows...that would explain my avoiding blogging yesterday. So it feels good to be back at my OWN computer even though it is several years old. I know it like the back of my hand and can use it without frustration (or embarrassment).

I applied to serve in a capacity for which I needed to write a statement of faith. I took a class once where the facilitator encouraged me and all those in attendance to create a personal mission statement. He went on to say that rarely would one need to "update" or "change" their statement because one's statement is foundationally in one's relationship with God and though that grows, the mission doesn't change. It took some time to put the statement together but once down on black and white, I knew I could refer to it to remind me who God is and who I am in Him.When recently faced with having to write a statement of faith, I remembered this document which I drew up some time ago.....when I found it I realized it was just what I would write for a statement of faith so I made a copy, explained the reason for its being and that it was as concise a statement of faith that I could send and sent it off. I would encourage all believers to take the time and effort to put thoughts of faith and purpose in a document such as this. I will share mine to give an example of what one can be. Obviously, everyone would put a personal spin on their own relationship with God and his or her understanding of one's mission in life. The following happens to be mine.

Personal Mission Statement

My Biblical Purpose is:

1. To love God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit with all my heart, to follow His ways, to love others, trust Him for all things and to put Him first in my life. Matthew 22:37-40
2. I will live in the fresh newness of life (optimistically with hope) that Christ gives me as His gift. (Philippians 3: 7-14)
3. My life is all about God and His purposes for me. (Matthew 16:24-26)

Personal Vision

1. I seek truth in all areas of life. (John 8:32)
2. God revealed in His word is the center of truth for me. (John 17:17)
3. God is more powerful than I comprehend and I will search to see that power revealed through faith. (Matthew 21:21)
4. I believe that God has His best in mind for me. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Life Ministry

1. I seek to show the love of Jesus in all my relationships; husband, children and spouses, grandchildren, friends and with those in my arena of influence.
2. In His church, I will welcome new people and encourage them in their walk with God. (Romans 15:6,7)
3. I enjoy and encourage fellowship with Christian believers wherever they are found.
4. I will coach younger believers and seekers through the complexities of life with lessons I have learned by walking with God through a lifetime. (Titus 2:4)
5. I will be used by God to encourage people to worship Him. (Psalm 99:5)

Go ahead...I challenge you....give it a try...I know you will be happy you did.

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