Sunday, June 8, 2008

Busy Time of Year

It's a brand new day...the sun is shining, the birds chirping, the fountain running and so far the wind is calm. The last few days the wind has been so furious that one could forget keeping one's hair in decent condition. I got used to using my fingers as a comb and doing one of those swoops, one with each hand, on walking indoors whereever it was. I'm not a fan of wind. There are places people live where wind is a constant companion....that is not where one would find me living.

Today will be the first Sunday in three that we will be in our own church. How soon it feels as if one doesn't know what's going on when a few Sundays go by without being part of the worship. It's rather like not seeing family members for too long. I know that scripturally the people that belong to our church are members of Christ's family but they are also my brothers and sisiters in the Lord and I feel very close to them. As we are growing so rapidly it is more difficult to continue to get to know more and more people and feel that same closeness. I try to remember people's name but I so often run into a brain drain when standing shoulder to shoulder with one I don't know so well. Those are times when the limitations of my mind frustrate me.

The shower yesterday morning was so pleasant. The future bride was very confident and sweet. Her fiance has just been accepted into med school so she and he have a long road ahead of them. She is a nurse so there will surely be a mutual interest and understanding.

After the shower I came home and took a nap. I was exhausted from all the hoopla the night before. When I woke, it was time to get ready for the graduation open house. And so it event to the next. Today, I will attend the graduation ceremony where I worked for sixteen years. There are a couple of kids I worked closely with that are graduating. One of those is a Columbian boy that I became very close with. His dad is a vet for the dairy farms in this area. They are wonderful people and I find great joy in them. I have always been interested in people of various countries and cultures. My favorite students were immigrants or exchange students. What a richness they bring to one's world.

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