Saturday, August 30, 2008

Are We Seeing the Intervention of God????

There are two subjects one is supposed to leave untouched when expressing views on a public forum. From the start of this blog I have talked about one of those subjects with abandon. That would be religion......however, religion is not my point. I don't really put much stock into any "religion". Religion is a philosophy of mind structured by man's ideas of what a relationship with God is all about. isn't about anything but a relationship with Jesus Christ. A relationship with Jesus is based on the Bible; Genesis to Revelation. I hope I have made that clear over the last year and half.

I haven't spoken much about politics and the reason for that is I have so lost faith. My father is a staunch Republican and seems to see the logs in the eyes of the Democrats but doesn't see the inconsistencies in his side of the party lines. I am seeing through that stuff. I go on record as saying I believe in the platform of the Republican party but their people have disappointed me, too. There have been too many that have lacked integrity and worked at preserving their back ends while making decisions that are not in the best interest of our nation. Most politicans have disappointed me. I have shared before that in this present campaign there hasn't been a choice that pleased me. I have rather distanced myself from the whole business for preservation of my sanity. I've told the Lord that I just can't understand why we were left with little real choice as Christians. I suppose I felt that we have been a bit abandoned. "God, I know we are a deeply sinful people, but there are some of us who continue to repent of that and plead with you for mercy. Do you remember Abraham's request for saving Sodom and Gommorah for the sake of only a few???" I also told Him that I trusted Him to do His will in a situation He saw the end of and I didn't.

Yesterday couldn't have found me more excited and totally surprised. "GOD! you did hear me (and millions of others)". My personal opinion is that McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his Veep was a stroke of genius. Finally, in this campaign we hear the voice of godly wisdom. What a vibrant breath of fresh air. I was almost giddy. Let's see...She is young...she is a Christian...strongly pro life..(including being mother to a four month old Down Syndrome son......has a son in the military....busy mom to five a governor who won over two very "experienced" politicians....she is NOT a Washington insider.... she knows the oil industry from the ground up....takes issue with political goals for personal open to investigation on anything....she is a conservationist but not a willy nilly........

Did you figure out that I'm sold? I have to tell you, though, that even when every thing is clearly rosey....I still guard a part of myself...I (we as a nation) have been burned once too often. I join Beth Moore in saying "I am believing God" even when it comes to the leaders of a nation I love with all my heart. God save us!

(I can hear some say....oh, but other candidates profess to be Christians, too.....let me remind the world that the Bible says, "by their fruits you will know them". Telling a nation of millions of people that there is absolutely nothing wrong with killing unborn babies is NOT showing fruit at all. Let's get real and call a spade a spade.)

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