Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leisurely Day

Yesterday morning I asked Ken what we were going to do for my birthday. He looked at me funny and asked what I wanted to do. I told him I wasn't sure but it was a special day and I wanted to do something special. Poor guy probably thought, "I've just taken her across the country and she still wants more." He said, "Okay, Queenie, tell me where you want to go." It kind of put me in my place. I was struck with just how blessed I am. I did some quick mental calculating and none of the places that came to mind were worth the cost of the fuel to get there so I said, "It's okay......I have had tons of fun lately.....if there are things you need to get completed around here, get them done. He went about his business and I putts in the house. When noon came, he asked if i wanted to go to Red Robin for my birthday gourmet burger. Red Robin is in Merrillville, one of my favorite places to be so I jumped at the chance. We both got appropriately spiffed up and left. We enjoyed a leisure lunch filling our bodies with untold amounts of calories and fat. The onion rings are particularly good there. It is not our usual fare but once in awhile we do indulge.

After lunch we made our usual rounds; Costco, Meijers, and Gordon Foods. Before we turned our hearts toward home, we stopped at, yes, you got it, Starbucks. I plunked down my bank card because Starbucks is usually a treat that comes out of my account. Ken pushed over the card and laid down some cash commenting that because it was my birthday, he would treat. Then he asked if Mr. Starbucks had a complimentary birthday drink for his wife. The young gal behind the register smiled and said, "I think we could arrange that." Our bill was a dollar something for his coffee. How cool was that.

I came home a satisfied pig. Filled with cholesterol and chai tea. Doesn't get much better than that on a physical level. Does it help that I didn't eat any evening meal? I certainly hope so.

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