Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unexpected Windfall

God is so good.....the older I get the more I learn to L_E_A_N. It is the only way to have peace. I don't have to do anything but trust Him to receive His favor and His provision. It is just the coolest!

After the new sewer system was installed in our backyard.....the contractor did a good job of covering it all and distributing the soil in a semi smooth manner. Can't complain there. BUT, the new septic tank is higher than the last one and sticks up in a bit of a hump in our yard making it necessary to bring in more black dirt for leveling purposes. If the hump were out in the back part of the yard, I don't think we would fool with it but it is located directly behind the house. We talked of doing this ourselves but with only a riding lawn mower, we decided we didn't have equipment large enough to do the job. Sooooo, we contacted a landscaper, one that is know for doing things reasonably. He came to look things over and then brought an estimate the next day. A cool $750.00 will take care of the job. Yikes. We didn't really expect that kind of cost on top of all the other costs of the sewer project. I am usually the one that gets all hot and bothered and worries my head off about stuff like that but I kept my cool. Or should I say, I kept my faith that God had this all under His control. I decided looking at smooth back dirt in my back yard wasn't so bad for a time and I'd have to deal.

Ken opened the mail yesterday to find a letter from Social Security. I can't believe we are old enough to get that....but anyway....the letter states that they took out more than they should have last year when I worked half the year. I was going to receive a refund of $447.00. !!!!!!!! Just out of the blue....totally unexpected......that amount goes a long way toward $750, doesn't it? I say it again.....God is so good and supplies ALL our I've said before....He also gives me the desire of my heart over and over. I praise Him.

Looks like we will have the back yard landscaped sooner than we expected. PTL

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