Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Levels of Happiness

When I retired last evening, I had the joy of listening to a lady talk about happiness and that happiness can be defined in four levels. That thought intrigued me so I listened on even though I thought I should be sleeping. Her premise is that our first level of happiness is found in the satisfaction of our five senses, what we smell, what we eat, what we see, what we hear and what we touch. There is nothing wrong with that since God made us as creatures that have and are to enjoy all of those wonderful senses. But if we rely on finding our happiness in that level alone, we are merely nothing more than any other animal. Level two is finding our happiness in the things we can accomplish. It is the "I" in us..it is something we have been created with....God even commands us to love others as we love ourselves. However, if we get all our happiness from those two levels we live only to please ourselves or at the expense of others advance ourselves. At level three we begin to turn our attention outside ourselves to others, freely giving ourselves for the betterment of those around us. If we stop at this level, we get disenchanted with those around us. We can't please them and they can't please us. We look to each other for something only God can provide. In level four, we turn everything we are into surrender to God. Our senses, our ego, others in our lives and our very beings are given to God for fulfillment. It is in this level we find our value as a human being created by a perfect all powerful God and reach the balance and true happiness we desire in this vale of tears. It is the place where we put our faith in trust in His love for us and for others.

I was impressed. I could see my own pursuit of happiness struggling through these levels without identifying them in such a compartmentalized manner. It makes so much sense to me and I think it will help me check myself as I journey through the hours of my day. I sense the culture around us hovers around levels 1 and 2. Perhaps they need to hear this truth. God bless the message.

Just got a call to sub at the intermediate school. I accepted so hopefully all will go well.

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