Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Slow Day

Today got off to a very slow start. Just had no motivation what so ever today. I got up early, did a lesson in my Beth Moore study and went back to bed for an hour. It's nearly two thirty and I just accomplished my first real work of the day. I cleaned the fridge so it is ready for Thanksgiving dinner. When Ken gets home I'll have him bring the turkey in from the garage freezer and put it in water to thaw. I've never been successful at thawing a turkey in the refrigerator. When I go to get it out to cook, it is still frozen......not a good position to be in....so I resort to the old fashioned way. I bought a 21 pounder and hope it feeds my medium sized crowd.

Bernice stopped by to print some restaurant certificates we bought off the web. She wasn't sure she knew what she had to do so we got 'er done. Then I went hog wild and bought 100.00 gift certificates. They cost me a song but once I got them printed I realized I had just committed to buying a hundred dollar certificate good on a $200.00 purchase. Ooops. Forgot to read the small print. So I called the company and related my sorrowful saga. They were oh so gracious and refunded my money to be used on future purchases. That was just fine with me. I sure felt stupid. I know there are minimum purchases that apply to those things. Restaurant.com is such a good deal and I went and blew it by getting greedy. I will purchase some tomorrow. I'm done for today. They usually offer a super discount around a holiday but you need a code to get the deeper discount. I decided I'd just try words related to Thanksgiving. First I tried "gobble". Nope, that didn't work. Then I tried "turkey"; still no soap. I typed in "thanks" to hear Bernice say....that won't be it and as soon as she had that out of her mouth the deeper discount applied. We laughed a good one as I felt so smug that I had broken the bank.

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