Friday, December 12, 2008

Scrooge Finally Rubbed Off on Me

I finally got out a bit today even though it is cold, cold, cold. I went to see my father and his wife for a little while. If I had done what I would like to have done, I would be in bed sleeping. I've had a few things going on with my health and that has really knocked the soup out of me. I have no desire to do anything. There are no Christmas decorations in my house. Usually, we are decked out for fair but this year we plan to leave for Arizona, God willing, the 29th so I decided I would forego decor this year. I'm not sure that is a good thing for my daughter and grandson but they haven't said a word so perhaps they don't miss it. Ken has been Scrooge about decorations our whole married life so he doesn't notice and doesn't care. I don't have the energy to put up and take down all within a few weeks.

My brother turned up at my dad's house about the same time I did so we had a nice time visiting with Dad and Mary. Normally, I am the one that has our Christmas get together.
Today, my dad asked if we were going to get together yet before they leave for Florida. I said something to the effect that there is nothing that speaks of Christmas at my house. My brother piped up and said, "We have a tree up so will have it at our house". I told him that was a deal. This year, I'm happy to have other people do the entertaining. Perhaps next Christmas I will be my old self. I hope so and pray that will be the case.

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