Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back to Church!

I didn't know if I'd ever feel like getting back to church and thinking that my husband and grandson go to the early service was even more intimidating. BUT, today was the day and I actually enjoyed it. It was good to be among the worshipers again and great to enjoy all the family members there. One of my friends greeted me and reminded me that I would be tired by the time I got home after receiving everyone's greeting. Yep.....kind of tired but it felt good. It is wonderful to feel among the land of the living once again.

It is amazingly cold today. Right above zero. I'm more than a little tired of the cold this year. I don't remember a winter in recent memory that has been this cold continuously. I'm ready for a weather break. Florida has had its fair share of cold weather this week, too. It is just a reminder to them how we live everyday.

It looks like the sun might break through this afternoon. That can do amazing things toward bringing up the temps. The closer the sun the warmer the day; the closer the Son, the warmer the heart. Have a warm day in both catagories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Day, Gayle

Wow, now that sounds more like my "sis". I am so glad to hear your are feeling more comfortable in your own skin. I continue to pray that you will get stronger and stronger everyday.

By the way Florida is warming back up and the invitation is always open. Hint, Hint.

Much Love, Jann