Sunday, January 11, 2009

His Mercies are New Every Morning

It is a new morning and you know what that means? It means this..........
Lamentations 3:
22Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him

What a wonderful promise that is. What new compassion do you have for me today, Lord? I will be searching for it. I praise you that your faithfulness is great.

One of my favorite things to do in life is to ride in a car. It doesn't really matter if I'm the driver or the passenger. The only difference is that when I'm the passenger I get the best sleep ever. I haven't been able to sleep in the car recently but I look forward to the day that relaxation returns. Yesterday I spent all afternoon at our daughter, Lauri's house. I was witness to a scene that brought me back many years. Lauir's kids are now at ages they can be a big help in cleaning the house. So lists were made (the way her mother did it) and each child was on encouraged to accomplish the things on his/her lists. By the time the jobs were really complete, one child had to do the vacuuming three times. She wasn't pleased either. Her claim was that she had vacuumed. I told Lauri that she probably had but she needs to learn to SEE dirt. I know that many people don't SEE dirt. How blest are they! Needless to say, Mom was discouraged with her little helpers. It takes some time for most kids to realize that doing a good job the first time is the least painful for everyone involved. I tried to be an on looker and not say word one. I know this little child did not need two mothers. The children's father, soft as a marshmallow, said to his wife, "how are we going to raise the cleaning bar of our children?" Then he looked at me and asked if I had any ideas. I smiled and said, Oh I don't know, I probably tortured them. He laughed.

So when we left Lauri and Elton we took a ride south toward Rensselaer. It felt so good to be in the car and just ride. We stopped for a Dairy Queen cone on our way back. When I got home I ejected it from my body so I don't know what that was all about. Rather disappointing.

I couldn't wait to get to sleep last night. Sleep is the ultimate escape. I had a twelve hour escape last night. Wonderful. Ken and Isaiah are at the early service. I'm trying to get my day started. I'll be looking for those new mercies today. Enjoy the ones he gives you.


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your valuable information.