Thursday, August 6, 2009

God is Gracious

I got up early today.......did some actual work around here and then left to pay the lady for her radio/CD player. My husband seems to think he can make it work, we have such a hard time getting AM/FM here. I think it has some thing to do with the power lines across the street. Ken has the machine installed and I haven't been home enough today to check it out.

I drove to Bernice's house to see the shoes she got after I called her to give her the tip that there were beautiful black dressy shoes at a location. She got about five pair of winners. Wish they had been 9s instead of 7 1/2s.

After we visited a few more sales, Scarlen and Lynette called that they wanted to join us. Bernice had to go home so I went to get the girls. We spent the rest of the day shopping from one sale to the next. I am so whipped. Time to REST. The biggest purchase of the day was the last one. Isaiah has shown interest in an accoustical guitar (thank heavens). He is beginning to see electric guitar with less awe. His grandma could not be happier. To say I encouraged the purchase would charge me with deserved guilt. We went home to get the boy so he could make the decision. He now has an accoustical guitar, which according to this grandma is softer and mellower than the screamers. I think he is seeing that as well. I love to watch him develop. The other day he told me he was getting into Mozart. SMILE>>>>>>>>
A good day to bond with my daughter and friend. We had a nice time. I praise God for those
good relationships. It hasn't always been that way. God is my restorer......yours too!

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